Fear The Walking Dead: Final Season with serious Hunt Showdown Vibe

Published: May. 09, 2023
Updated: Nov. 08, 2023

German English

The final season 8 of Fear The Walking Dead starts already in a week and new set images show impressions from the Bayou - Could also be a series to Hunt Showdown.

Where is the journey headed? After the far too open ending of season 7 and unfortunately not very successful return of Maddison Clark, the group around Morgan Jones goes east. In a first trailer for the upcoming season we can already see Morgan in his old home in Atlanta. But before that, the group moves through the Louisiana bayou. And damn, does it look good!

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Fear The Walking Dead shows images from the bayou - Could be Hunt Showdown

On twitter.com, user Undead Walking shares images from the upcoming final season of Fear The Walking Dead. In the four snaps, we clearly see the warm, swampy bayou in the southern US, which stretches all the way to New Orleans. This scenario is already familiar to fans of The Walking Dead's expanded universe. The Saints and Sinners games and successors make great use of the city in the VR adventure! An absolute recommendation. That immediately raises two questions for me:

  • Do our heroes meet familiar characters in New Orleans and beyond?
  • Isn't that Hunt Showdown?

Yes, yes, I know, I've used this analogy for the umpteenth time. Let me briefly explain why I can't get away from this idea!

Hunt Showdown is a Battle Royale-like game where you enter the 19th century bayou as a hunter of monsters, zombies and demons. Wild West meets Deep South and badass cowboy zombie action. Not only among fans is the setting considered unspent and terrific atmospheric. The latter can be cut with a knife not only because of the high humidity in the south of the USA. All in all: Hunt Showdown unexpectedly offers probably the best zombie scenario in years!

The hope is clear now, Fear The Walking Dead has to pull this off. But the above images seem to give a clear green light. I'm more than excited about the final season of Hunt - sorry - Fear The Walking Dead.

As a reminder, there are already plans on the part of the German developers of Hunt Showdown to shoot their own series for the game: Hunt Showdown becomes a TV show: Everything we know about series

The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on Guided.news he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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