The Walking Dead Season 11 Release Date & New Trailer Revealed

Published: Jul. 01, 2021
Updated: Nov. 08, 2023

German English

"Nothing is as it seems", with these words AMC shares a new trailer and the release date of The Walking Dead season 11.

What happened? The official account of The Walking Dead shared a trailer on Twitter. This shows scenes that have been put in a very special light. We also finally know when The Walking Dead season will be released and aired for the first time.

New trailer & release date for Walking Dead season 11

What do we find out? The latest trailer is about a minute-long, but reveals key elements of the upcoming final season. Among other things, he makes it clear who is on whose side. He also makes it clear who does not really want to decide on a side.

What the Trailer Shows

  • At the beginning, we see character portraits of all the main characters
  • Then we can take a look at the division of the groups. They show Maggie, Negan, Daryl and Co. confronting the Commonwealth.
  • One figure immediately catches the eye: Mercer, the commander of the Commonwealth Forces. You can recognize him by his scarlet armor.
  • An apparently new mysterious figure can also be seen. It's at the top of an escalator.
  • At the end of the trailer, the release date of the 11th season is revealed to be in August.

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More News about The Walking Dead

US & Germany release: After we learned about the story synopsis of the whole season 11 last week, now we also know the release. There is a reason to publish the trailer and release date today. The final 11th season of The Walking Dead is scheduled to air in exactly 11 weeks.

The release of the 11th season of The Walking Dead is therefore August 22, 2021. So far, this has only been confirmed for North America. Since this is a Sunday, we can expect the first episode to start on the following Monday (August 23). If something changes, we will update this article immediately.

The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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