
Escape From Tarkov: Developer Cuts Content before Full Release

Published: Apr. 14, 2023
Updated: Apr. 19, 2023

German English

There is bad news for the release of Escape From Tarkov. Because as chief developer Nikita Buyanov confirmed in a livestream, the release of the survival shooter will not come with all planned content.

What’s going on? In a recent livestream, the developer of Tarkov confirmed that the full release will be smaller in scope than originally planned. There is also a statement about this, which we will present to you in a moment. In addition, we'll tell you what content you can expect for the release of Escape From Tarkov and which will probably be outsourced to DLCs.

Chief developer explains why Escape From Tarkov will not be complete on release

Escape From Tarkov has been in a playable development phase since 2015. So fans have been waiting for almost eight years for the release with all the complete content to be just around the corner. However, the release dream could now turn into a nightmare for many players. Because Nikita Buyanow has clearly said in a stream: Tarkov will get a full release, but it will not bring all the planned content. Exactly he says in his statement:"wilwilbewilwelwillwilwilwilbi BLYAT" - Okay joking aside, he says:

We have tons of content ideas in our head, but just to finally release Escape From Tarkov we have to cut content from the game. Otherwise, we would spend years in active development before the Tarkov comes out. Some of the content, therefore, we outsource to DLCs. Others will actually be deleted.


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This content will certainly be in the game at the release of Tarkov.

In the same stream as mentioned above, Buyanow reveals at the same time what content will surely be in the game by the release of Escape From Tarkov:

  • Loadout presets were shown
  • Switching weapon hand from right to left.
  • Low Ready / High Ready
  • Helmet Cams for Replay
  • Streets Boss coming in the next update in May
  • 2s Streets Boss
  • BTR still planned for release
  • New skills planned
  • Mines and new explosives (coming with Streets boss)
  • Custom Rigs
    • but for now without new hitboxes and armor plates
  • New cooler Extract
  • Vaulting
  • New weapons
    • PKM
    • RPD
    • SR340
    • ScarH
    • AK15
    • More

The SVT-40 comes in Escape From Tarkov.

What about new maps? If we take a look at the selection map of Escape From Tarkov, we can see that there are still some maps missing. Sure, we received the long-awaited map "Streets of Tarkov" only a few months ago, but Terminal, Town or Suburb are missing so far. At least for Town and Suburb, a release as DLC should be safe. In the case of Terminal, chances are that the port map will be released before the full release of Escape From Tarkov.

When will Tarkov's Arena mode be released?

Unfortunately, the developers did not comment on Arena during the livestream. The current status for the release of the standalone addon is "Soon". Just a week ago, however, we received a new sign of life for Arena in the form of a trailer:


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In the coming months, private beta tests will be held, in which presumably selected streamers, YouTubers and perhaps the press will be invited. Following that, there could be an open beta as well. Don't forget though, if you don't own the most expensive version of Escape From Tarkov, you'll have to buy Arena again.

What content for the release of Tarkov would you have liked to see, and are there perhaps aspects that we scatterbrains have overlooked? Let us know in the comments, you don't need to register for that.

The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on Guided.news he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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