Genshin Impact: Hu Tao could become the next character

Published: Dec. 26, 2020
Updated: Jan. 29, 2024


A new leak shows the first details about the upcoming Genshin Impact character Hu Tao. The fiery girl fights with an lance and apparently has quite a aggressive style of play.

What's going on: A leak recently revealed another character for the co-op RPG Genshin Impact. The leak probably comes from the 4chan platform and was discussed in the Gamespot forum.

There are currently 28 characters, two of which were recently added with Update 1.2. The Kreideprinz Albedo is currently also included with a higher drop chance in the Wish "Secretum Secretorum".

More about Genshin Impact

  • Kreideprinz Albedo in the new wish for 1.2 – how high is the drop chance?
  • Genshin Impact brings new region, characters and more with Update 1.2

That is the "77th Master of Wangsheng Funeral" Hu Tao

Hu Tao is a 5-star character who fights with a lance and belongs to the fire element. She is also the 77th Master of the Wangsheng Funeral and the boss of Zhongli.

She has the following skills:

  • Elemental Skill "Rebirth Chaperone": Hu Tao envelops her weapon in fire and steadily loses life points. Your attacks are intensified by fire. The less health she has, the greater the damage she deals.
  • Elemental Burst "Godsoother": A fiery AoE circle that also reduces Hu Tao's health and increases her damage at the same time.


The leak also mentions a special weapon for Hu Tao. A red lance that increases HP by 20 % and ATK by 1 % for every % health missing.

With this, Hu Tao has a very aggressive and risky style of play, with which you should keep her at the lower end of the life bar as possible in order to cause maximum damage.

When is Hu Tao coming? An exact date or even an official confirmation is not yet available. However, it is believed that Hu Tao and Xiao will appear after the Lantern Festival with Update 1.3.

At the end of February, the character banner should first come to Xiao, which the player can already encounter in the story. Hu Tao will then receive her character and weapon banner 3 weeks later. So mid to late March 2021.

Important: All of this information is not confirmed. It's just a leak and MiHoYo could still change a few things.

Sascha Asendorf is the co-founder of and has been running online magazines in the gaming sector since 2013. Starting with a strong focus on survival games, Sascha now deals a lot with role-playing games and is an expert on survival and RPG titles like Conan Exiles, Baldurs Gate 3 & Cyberpunk 2077.
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