
New World: A God Awakens Quest Solve + Correct Order of Gates

Published: Nov. 16, 2022
Updated: Dec. 08, 2023

German English

Completing the quest "A God Awakens" and the corresponding puzzle "Ordeal of the Nine Gates" in New World requires either a long thread of patience or the quest guide from Guided.news!

The guide at a glance: In our guide, we show you how to solve the puzzle of a God Awakens and complete the Ordeal of the Nine Gates in New World. We also give you all the important information about the quest:

  • Where can you find the quest "A God Awakens"?
  • Complete "A God Awakens" puzzle in the right order.
  • This way you will defeat the boss Apophis the Destroyer quickly.
  • These are the rewards you get for the quest.

How to solve the New World "A God Awakens" Puzzle

Where can I find the quest? A God Awakens is part of the main quest of Brimstone, the new region in New World. So you can hardly walk by, nevertheless here is the hint. You can find the quest in New Corsica, in the west of the map. Go to the character Imhotep and talk to him, he will give you the quest and sit right at the start of the puzzle. We have specially marked the location on the map.


Now, to successfully complete the "A God Awakens" quest, you first have to solve the puzzle around the nine gates. To do this, accept Imhotep's quest, turn around and activate the elevator behind you. Take the elevator to the starting point of the nine gates puzzle. Your start is right in front of the first gate "Gate of Sinners". But what is the correct order of the puzzle?

Examination of the nine gates in the correct order - solution of the puzzle

  • First Gate of Sinners - Activate the middle platform.
  • Second Gate of the Feasts - Activate the middle platform.
  • Third Gate of Nations - Activate the right platform.
  • Fourth Gate of Duration - Activate the right platform.
  • Fifth Gate of Jackals - Activate the left platform.
  • Sixth Gate of the Shining one - Activate the middle platform.
  • Seventh Gate of Purifying Fire - Activate the left platform.
  • Eighth Gate of the Usurper - Activate the right platform.
  • Ninth gate of the Chained Betrayer - Activate the middle platform.

Once you have passed through all the gates in the correct order, you will automatically return to the starting point. You have now completed the puzzle part of A God Awakens and continue with a battle. You will now have to go through a soul trial, in which you will encounter a particularly strong opponent.

Necropolis of Sutekh - How to Defeat Apophis for the "A God Awakens" Quest

In the soul trialthat awaits you after the Ordeal of the Nine Gates, you have to defeat the boss Apophis. You can only fight this battle alone. Also, you must be level 60 for this and have at least one Azoth Staff, which you can get elsewhere. LINK

The boss Apophis has several phases that are triggered whenever you have drained a third of his life. With each new phase, he adjusts his attack pattern.

  • Boss Phase 1: Apophis hurls a stone wave at you.
  • Boss Phase 2: In this phase, Apophis hides and dives. As he does so, he summons two Terra Myrmidons as enemies. Defeat them and the boss will reappear. Now he attacks with a Sand Shark.
  • Boss Phase 3: In his final phase, Apophis does immense damage with his diving shark.

Phase 1 is difficult to dodge, so pack your bags full of medicine and food before the raid. You can also play a build with an axe as a weapon, as that can heal your health. In phase 2, you should then slap away Apophis' minions as quickly as possible, because the boss won't show up before then. Also, don't get hit by his whirlwind! However, you can safely dodge the shark, which also applies to the third and final phase of the boss.


Finish the New World quest "A God Awakens" - This is the reward

After you have finished the fight with Apophis, you can run out of the glowing portal at the end of the stairs. Your quest giver Imhotep is already waiting for you outside and you chat him up briefly. Afterwards the colleague disappears back to the library of New Corsica, where you also have to go! Talk to Ghazi Laghmani and then to Imhotep again.

This is the reward for a God Awakens

  • Items: 5000x Shadow Shard
  • Experience: 6,570 XP
  • Money: 166.25 coins
  • Area call: 250
  • 30x Azoth
The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on Guided.news he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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