
Path of Exile 2: New Mercenary Class Introduced

Published: Nov. 30, 2023
Updated: Dec. 01, 2023

German English

We finally have some fresh material for Path of Exile 2. As part of the presentation of the new Affliction League for Path of Exile 1, the new mercenary class for the second part was also unveiled.

This is what it's all about: The closed beta of Path of Exile 2 starts on June 7, 2024. In recent months, Grinding Gear Games has repeatedly released gameplay and information about it. Today, in addition to the new Path of Exile expansion, the new mercenary class in Path of Exile 2 was also presented in a Twitch stream, and it doesn't fit the classic Path of Exile roles at all.

The Mercenary in Path of Exile 2

The mercenary class is not just a new class. It also uses a new weapon, namely the crossbow. The mercenary has no animation times when shooting and can be controlled not only with your mouse, but also with the WASD key combination, known from the shooter genre. This also applies to all other classes. For Path of Exile veterans, however, this is unlikely to be interesting.


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However, it's not just the WASD combo that is a reminder of the shooter genre. In a gameplay demonstration of the mercenary, Jonathan Rogers shows exactly how the mercenary is equipped. This class can equip its weapon with different types of ammunition and extensions:

  • Armor Piercing Munition: Destroys enemy armor.
  • Incendiary Munition: Causes high damage and ignites enemies.
  • Permafrost Burst Shot: Slows down enemies and can freeze them.
  • Grenade Launcher-Extension: Adds explosive “grenades” to the crossbow type.
  • Flash Grenade: Adds grenades that stun enemies but do little damage.
  • Oil Grenade: Slows down enemies and leaves behind large puddles of oil.

Path of Exile 2 Remains Complex and in Love With Detail

In Path of Exile 2, everything revolves around the right combination of different skills. There is not that one damage skill that will flatten all enemies. Instead, it is important to first slow down enemies in a puddle of oil, for example, and then set them on fire. The burning oil causes them to take even more damage. Or you can destroy your opponent's armor and then inflict extremely high damage with Incendiary Munition.

poe 2 crossbow

In Path of Exile 2, you have to find the right combination of weapons and skills.

Incidentally, this is a rule that applies not only to the skills, but also to the weapons. In the presentation, Rogers introduced the different crossbow types, which can best be described as “sniper rifle”, “shotgun” and “assault rifle”. For every situation in the game, it is therefore important to choose the right combination of weapon, skill and possible attachments.

There's simply no other way to put it. The introduction of the mercenary in Path of Exile 2 shows once again that Grinding Gear Games employs people who love the ARPG genre themselves and are passionate about their game. The attention to details as well as the immense complexity and customizability of Path of Exile 1 and 2 (as far as we can tell so far) provide an extremely fun and satisfying feeling while playing. And you can't say that about every ARPG anymore...

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Markus has been part of our Guided.news team since June 2022 and writes about many topics as a dedicated gamer. But he is especially fond of Path of Exile and other ARPGs.
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