Rust Twitch Drops in September 2023: All new Items + Watchtime

Published: Sep. 07, 2023
Updated: Sep. 07, 2023

German English

In September 2023, there are again new Rust Twitch Drops to bag on the Livestream platform. now tells you how to get them and which cool skins await you.

Some developers and games are short-circuiting with the livestream platform Twitch. These then launch temporary partnerships. Among other things, this is intended to stimulate interaction on Twitch and at the same time arouse interest in a particular game - both for the streamers and the viewers. The latter also get free items.

When will the Twitch Drops start? The new round of Twitch Drops will start on September 07, 2023 and will end four days later on September 14, 2023.

Rust Twitch Drops in September 2023! Get these 23 item skins

These are the items: Besides the 3 generic drops, you will also get 6 exclusive streamer drops again this month. For each of the streamer items, you have to watch 2 hours of the respective streamer. For the generic drops, you can watch any channel that participates in the Rust Twitch Drops. For the oven you need to watch 3 hours, for the SEMi 6 hours and for the garage 9 hours.

General drops include:

  • Furnace - Fancyorb
  • Semi Rifle - Coma
  • Garage Door - Dust



Streamer specific Twtich Drops

  • Sheet Metal Door - Blizzardid
  • Assault Rifle - G0bbba
  • Teppich - Jennifer
  • Garagentor - Sebbyk
  • Doppelläufige - Krolay

How to get the Rust Twitch Drops

How it works: You don't have to do much to get your hands on Rust's coveted Twitch drops. You don't have to watch a specific streamer for any drop. But before you do, here's what you need to do before you can get any drops at all:

  • Link your Twitch account to Rust. Authorize the whole thing afterward.
  • Log in via Steam
  • Finally, activate the Twitch drops for your account
  • You can find the tutorial, including links on the developer's website (via
More about Rust

Pay attention to this: Although you can watch the streamer to whom you also allow your view time, if it has not activated Twitch Drops, you will not receive any Rust Twitch Drops even after 20 hours. Most streamers who have activated those items during a drop event write this in their stream title!

The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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how do i get thompson skin? :S

Sascha Asendorf

You need to watch any streamer who activated the drops during the Twitchland Event starting on MARCH 28 AT 8:30 PM

Mr. Wiggles

which is it September or July fucking pick one you shitty new outlet

Sascha Asendorf

September, obviously.
This article gets constantly updated, so thanks for letting us know, that we forgot to update some in-text wording.
But try to be more politely next time, I bet even you can do something as easy as that.

Best regards,
your shitty new outlet


Hey there. Uhm, do you happen to know the DATES of the January 2022 drops? Did I missed them already, or?

Sascha Asendorf

Hey, yeah you missed it. The Drops were active till January 16th, 00:59 MEZ


I have a few extra twitch accounts with drops if you need them

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