Are you looking for all admin and console commands for the PvP survival Rust? Then you've come to the right place. We have listed all cheats for you.
How to use the commands: To use these commands, you must either be on a server that has the console enabled or be a dedicated admin. With the "F1" key, you activate the console in the game, and you can type in the following commands.
Server Settings / Console editing
Commands | Default Values | Description |
chat.serverlog | true | If True, chat will be logged to the console |
echo "text" | | Prints text to the server console |
env.time | | Sets the time to this value in hours | | | Sends an airdrop from a random direction |
find <command or "."> | | Searches for a command, using "." will list all commands. |
say "Message" | | Broadcasts a message to all players |
server.globalchat | true | If true, chat messages will be broadcasted to all players |
server.stop | | Stops your server | | | Saves your server |
server.saveinternal "value" | 60 | Defines the time cycle for your server to autosave in seconds. | | true | If True, EAC will kick banned or unregistered players before joining |
server.seed "value" | 123456 | Sets the server's seed |
server.stability | true | If true, Structure stability is enabled |
server.tickrate <rate> | 30 | Sets the tick rate of your server |
server.writecfg | | Saves .cfg changes which have been implemented via commands |
quit | | saves everything and stops the server |
init | | Loads config files |
Player Administration
Command | Default Values | Description |
ban "player name" "reason" | | Bans Player for specified reason |
banid <steam64> | | Bans Player via Steam 64 ID. |
banlist | | Lists banned users within the chat |
banlistex | | List of banned users with reasons and usernames |
kick <steam64 or playername> reason | | Kicks a user by inputting their steamID64 or their playername for an optional reason. |
kickall | | Kicks all users |
listid <steam64> | | Lists users who have been banned via Steam64 ID. |
moderatorid <steam64 or playername> | | Sets a player as a server mod, with auth level 1. |
ownerid <steam64 or playername> | | Sets player as a server admin with auth level 2. |
removemoderator <steam64> | | Removes authorization from a user who has level 1 auth |
removeowner <steam64> | | Removes ownership from a user who has level 2 auth |
unban <steam64> | | Unbans a user via their steam ID. |
Player Controls
Command | Default Values | Description |
chat.say | | Sends a message in chat through the F1 console |
craft.add | | |
craft.cancel | | |
craft.canceltask | | |
find <command> | | Search for a command which is available to you |
inventory.endloot | | |
inventory.give | | |
inventory.giveid | | |
inventory.givebp | | |
kill | | Suicide |
quit | | Saves everything, closes the game |
respawn | | Forces yourself to respawn |
respawn_sleepingbag | | Forces yourself to respawn in your sleeping bag |
sleep | | |
spectate | | |
wakeup |
Command | Default Values | Description |
players | | Shows connected Players |
status | | Shows connected Clients |
users | | Shows user info for connected players |
Commands | Default Values | Description |
colliders | | |
ddraw.arrow | | |
ddraw.line | | |
ddraw.sphere | | |
ddraw.text | | |
dev.culling | | |
dev.hidelayer | | |
dev.samling | | |
dev.showlayer | | |
dev.togglelayer | | |
entity.debug_toggle | | |
entity.nudge | | |
gc.collect | | Recollects unused memory and unloads unused assets |
objects | | |
perf | | Prints out performance data |
physics_iterations "number" | 7 | Sets the default solver iteration count permitted for rigid bodies. |
physics_steps | | Amount of physics steps per second |
queue | | Shows the stability and surroundings queue |
report | | Generates a report of all spawned entities in the server's root directory |
textures | | Lists the loaded textures |
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