Three quarters of a year after its release in the West, Tower of Fantasy continues to enjoy great popularity among fans. Now an update is coming to the live servers with version 3.0, which features a new area, additional simulacra and more additional content.
What's going on? The developers of Tower of Fantasy at Hotta Studios have announced Area 9 Sector, the next major expansion for the Asia MMO, which will soon hit the live servers. We summarize what content version 3.0 of ToF has to offer.
What does version 3.0 aka Area 9 Sector bring in terms of new content? At the center of the new expansion for Tower of Fantasy is the new map called "Area 9," located in the Aida spacetime singularity in the Sea of Vera. Area 9 consists of four individual zones that players are allowed to gradually explore as part of the story.
The people who inhabit Area 9 have lived isolated from the outside world for over 100 years, during which time they developed a special technology called timestamps. The timestamps aid the people of Area 9 in their fight against the gray space entities, also known as the darkness.
While we get to explore Area 9 for the first time after the isolation ends, we meet two new Simulacra: Liu Huo guards the captured Darkness. She uses a caligraphy brush and ink as her weapon.
The second new simulacrum goes by the name of Yu Lan, who is one of the best fighters in Area 9. Her weapon makes use of timestamps to create air currents.
What other new features does Area 9 Sector offer? Besides the new map and the two additional simulacra, Tower of Fantasy fans can look forward to the following other new content:
When will Tower of Fantasy version 3.0 be released? Fans won't have to wait much longer before they can set off for Area 9. The next expansion for the Asia MMO will be released on June 27, 2023 for PC and mobile.
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