
All spawn and cheat commands for ARK Genesis Part 2

Published: Jun. 03, 2021
Updated: Aug. 10, 2022

German English

ARK Genesis Part 2 is finally online after some delays, and you can throw yourself at the new dinosaurs. We have a list for you of all the new spawn and cheat commands with which you can summon all Gen2 objects.

That's going on: ARK Genesis Part 2 is here and numerous new creatures, weapons, armor, and other objects have found their way into the dinosaur survival hit. So that you can try them out directly on your server or in single-player mode, we have created a complete spawn list for you.

All cheats and spawn commands in ARK Genesis 2

This is how you use the commands: Open the admin console in single player or on your server and type in "EnableCheats". On a server, you also have to type in the admin password "EnableCheats Password".

To get into the admin console, do the following:

  • PC: press the tab key. Pressing the Tab key again brings up a larger version of the console in the top half of the screen.
  • Xbox One: Open the pause menu, then press LB + RB + X + Y at the same time.
  • PS4: Open the pause menu and press R1 + L1 + triangle + square at the same time.

Weapon and Tools

Minigun Cheat gfi minig 1 0 0
Net Ammo (Harpoon) Cheat gfi owne 100 0 0
TEK Pistol Cheat gfi kpist 1 0 0
TEK Bow Cheat gfi tekbow 1 0 0
Fire Boulders Cheat gfi er_f 100 0 0


Tek Canteen Cheat gfi kcanteenr 1 0 0
Unassembled Exo-mek Cheat gfi exos 1 0 0
Unassembled Hoversail Cheat gfi hoversail 1 0 0
Mutagen Cheat gfi le_mut 100 0 0
Mutagel Cheat gfi mutagel 100 0 0
Canoe Cheat gfi canoe 1 0 0
Plant Species R-1 seed Cheat gfi r_rawmeat 1 0 0
Plant Species R-2 seed Cheat gfi r_rawfish 1 0 0
Plant Species R-3 seed Cheat gfi r_spoiledmeat 1 0 0
Plant Species R-4 seed Cheat gfi r_primemeat 1 0 0
Plant Species R-5 seed Cheat gfi r_primefish 1 0 0


Ammo box Cheat gfi moco 1 0 0
Tek Crop Plot Cheat gfi ot_tek 1 0 0
Egg Incubator Cheat gfi ggincu 1 0 0
Loadout Mannequin Cheat gfi tdummy 1 0 0
Remote Camera Cheat gfi tycam 5 0 0
Remote Cam console Cheat gfi tycon 1 0 0


MilkGlider Cheat gfi lkg 1 0 0
Astrodelphis Cheat gfi cedo 1 0 0


Maewing Cheat sdf lkg 1 150
Astrodelphis Cheat sdf cedo 1 150
ShadowMane Cheat sdf lionfi 1 150
Noglin Cheat sdf brainslug 1 150
Stryder Cheat sdf strider 1 150
Summoner Cheat sdf summon 0 1
Macrophage Cheat sdf macro 0 1
Tek Wyvern Cheat sdf tekwyv 1 150
Exo-Mek Cheat sdf exos 1 150

Biome Dinos

Rockwell Allosaurus Cheat sdf allo_character_bp_r 1 150
Rockwell Carno Cheat sdf carno_character_bp_r 1 150
Rockwell Dilo Cheat sdf dilo_character_bp_r 1 150
Rockwell Reaper Male Cheat sdf xenomorph_character_BP_male_gen2 1 150
Rockwell Reaper Female Cheat sdf xenomorph_character_BP_female_gen2 1 150
Rockwell Bronto Cheat sdf sauropod_character_bp_r 1 150
Rockwell Velonasaur Cheat sdf spindles_character_bp_r 1 150
Rockwell Turtle Cheat sdf turtle_character_bp_r 1 150
Rockwell Giga Cheat sdf gigant_character_bp_r 1 150
Rockwell Quetzal Cheat sdf quetz_character_bp_r 1 150


Eden Daeodon Cheat sdf daeodon_character_bp_e 1 150
Eden Direwolf Cheat sdf direwolf_character_bp_e 1 150
Eden Equus Cheat sdf equus_character_bp_e 1 150
Eden Gasbag Cheat sdf gasbags_character_bp_e 1 150
Eden Megatherium Cheat sdf megatherium_character_bp_e 1 150
Eden Owl Cheat sdf owl_character_bp_e 1 150
Eden Parasaur Cheat sdf para_character_bp_e 1 150
Eden Procoptodon Cheat sdf procoptodon_character_bp_e 1 150
Eden Thylacoleo Cheat sdf thylacoleo_character_bp_e 1 150


Extraordinary Maewing egg Cheat gfi kglider_sp 1 0 0
Exceptional Maewing egg Cheat gfi kglider_xl 1 0 0
Superior Maewing egg Cheat gfi kglider_L 1 0 0
Regular Maewing egg Cheat gfi kglider_M 1 0 0
Simple Maewing egg Cheat gfi kglider_sm 1 0 0
Basic Maewing egg Cheat gfi kglider_xs 1 0 0
Extraordinary Maewing egg (F) Cheat gfi er_special_f 1 0 0
Exceptional Maewing egg (F) Cheat gfi er_xlarge_f 1 0 0
Superior Maewing egg (F) Cheat gfi er_large_f 1 0 0
Regular Maewing egg (F) Cheat gfi er_medium_f 1 0 0
Simple Maewing egg (F) Cheat gfi er_small_f 1 0 0
Basic Maewing egg (F) Cheat gfi er_xsmall_f 1 0 0


Federation Exo-Helm Skin Cheat gfi met_g 1 0 0
Federation Exo-Chest Skin Cheat gfi irt_g 1 0 0
Federation Exo-Gloves Skin Cheat gfi ves_g 1 0 0
Federation Exo-Leggings Skin Cheat gfi nts_g 1 0 0
Federation Exo-Boots Skin Cheat gfi ots_g 1 0 0
full Federation Exo-suit Cheat Givearmorset tek2 0
Viking Canoe skin Cheat gfi oe_vi 1 0 0
Tek Canoe skin Cheat gfi oe_te 1 0 0
Modern Canoe skin Cheat gfi oe_mo 1 0 0

Supply Crates

Cheat summon SupplyCrate_Space_01_Ambergris_c
Cheat summon SupplyCrate_Space_02_Crystal_c
Cheat summon SupplyCrate_Space_03_Sulfur_c
Cheat summon SupplyCrate_Space_04_ElementShards_c
Cheat summon SupplyCrate_Space_05_Obsidian_c
Cheat summon SupplyCrate_Space_06_Oil_c
Cheat summon SupplyCrate_Space_07_ElementDust_C
Cheat summon SupplyCrate_Space_08_BlackPearls_c

Looking for more helpful guides on ARK: Survival Evolved? Then take a look at our ARK guide overview, where you will find more of our dinosaur, crafting, resource, and technology guides. You can also chat with us and other players on our Discord server. We're looking forward to see you!

Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Sascha Asendorf is the co-founder of Guided.news and has been running online magazines in the gaming sector since 2013. Starting with a strong focus on survival games, Sascha now deals a lot with role-playing games and is an expert on survival and RPG titles like Conan Exiles, Baldurs Gate 3 & Cyberpunk 2077.
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