Atomic Heart: How to Attach Cartridges to Your Weapons

Published: Mar. 09, 2023
Updated: Mar. 09, 2023

German English

Weapon upgrades are mostly self-explanatory in Atomic Heart, but not so the fire, ice and electricity cartridges. This guide will show you how to apply these important upgrades to your weapons.

Cartridge purchased, but now what? In Mundfish's first-person shooter Atomic Heart, you'll encounter a babbling kiosk early in the game that hawks all sorts of weapon upgrades. Among the most important upgrades are cartridges, which come in three varieties: fire, ice and electricity.

These "elemental cartridges" can be attached to both fire and melee weapons. However, the tutorials don't lose a word about how exactly this is to be done. Admittedly, it's actually a very simple process. But because it's a bit like missing the forest for the trees, we'll explain below how to attach cartridges to weapons.

Atomic Heart: How Does Attaching of Cartridges Work?

First open the crafting menu (the "Weapons" sub-tab is active here) and switch to the "Upgrade" tab. Now select the weapon you want to equip with a cartridge using the mouse pointer. Once you've selected it, the view will change and you'll see four menu items at the top left. Click on the last item, "Cartridge Gun".

Atomic Heart: Add cartridges to weapons

Here we are attaching a cartridge to the pile driver (Snowball).

Now you have to install the slot for cartridges first; select the first submenu item (Cartridge Module). The installation is done very simply by pressing the action button. Finished? Then return to the crafting menu and, if necessary, select the tab right after Upgrade ("Stock/Disassemble"), in case the desired cartridge is in the stock and not in your inventory. It has to be there.

After that, close the menus. Back in the game, hold the weapon you want to assign a cartridge to. Bring up the weapon wheel and select the hexagon symbol. All the available cartridges and their elements will appear at the bottom of the wheel. Once you've selected your preferred element, the hero will automatically attach the corresponding cartridge to the weapon in his hand. And that's it, you're ready to go.

More about Atomic Heart

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After graduating from high school, I initially wanted to study instrumental music. However, eventually I pursued a career as a video game journalist, which I started at the prestigious Ehapa-Verlag publisher, among others. Today, I share my extensive video game expertise with Guided. I benefit from over 40 years of experience with PC and console games, as well as my work in game development for the indie studio Knights of Bytes. I understand how video games work, and I also know how to convey my knowledge in an understandable manner.
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