If you're looking for the “Curious Curios” Relics in Diablo 4, you've come to the right place. Our questline guide tells you where to find all the quest locations and what you need to do to complete them successfully.
Here's what it's all about: In the Dry Steppe, you will find the side quest “Curious Curios”, which has two more quests in store for you after completion. Especially during the first quest, you have to look for a relic hidden somewhere in the marked area. We tell you where to find the relic you are looking for and how to complete the other quests successfully.
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You start the quest “Curious Curios” at a relic hunter in the middle of the Dry Steppe. She wants you to find a relic, because she cannot continue the quest due to an injury. The relic should be somewhere in the immediate vicinity. You will find the relic southwest of the search area in one of the many vases:
Once you have obtained the relic, you must return to the relic trader Rakhaan in the city, who will give you another mission.
The relic trader tells you that there are several relics of this kind that emit dark energy. Rakhaan has sent another relic hunter to find it, but he hasn't reported back yet. This quest is quite simple as you have to go to the location of the relic hunter and then fight some enemies.
Rakhaan will then appear and send you on to the next relic.
In this quest, you go into a cave together with Rakhaan and have to solve some mirror puzzles. But don't worry, explore the whole cave and click on all the mirrors you can find. You can't do anything wrong here. As soon as all the mirrors are activated, the passage will open, and you will come to a guard who you have to defeat after you have activated a few mirrors here as well.
During this quest, Rakhaan turns out to be a demon, or rather a human who shares his body with a good-natured demon. His explanation at the end, of why he entered into this connection, made us smile a bit. You have now completed all three relic quests.
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