Getting crushed animal bones in Diablo 4 isn't that easy, so we'll tell you not only where to find them, but also where the most effective farm for them is!
What is it about? In Diablo 4, there are various crafting materials, including the Crushed Beast Bones, which you need for important upgrades for potions and elixirs. So you don't have to search long, we show you the best farm!
Which enemies drop the bones? In order to farm the resource you are looking for, you need to look out for large animals and monsters. Arctic bears, for example, can already provide you with small amounts of Crushed Beast Bones in Act 1. Note, however, that the bones are among the rarer drops, and you sometimes really have to spend a lot of time farming them. The following enemy types drop ground animal bones most often:
Where is the best farm area? To speed up your farm of animal bones even more, you should have already left the Fractured Peaks behind. In Scosglen, the area from Act 2 and Act 3, you need to head to the Highland Wilderness. Here you'll find the highest concentration of grizzly bears and other large furry enemy types that drop crushed animal bones.
At this point, you can use the crushed beast bones to improve your potions. At the alchemists you can make the light healing potion with the following recipe:
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