Diablo 4: PVP Zones "Fields of Hatred" Explained

Published: Mar. 23, 2023
Updated: Mar. 23, 2023

German English

If you get bored of fighting against tons of monsters in Diablo 4, there is a perfect alternative: Diablo 4 Fields of Hatred. They work like PvP mode created especially for the newest Diablo game.

By reading this guide, you will discover everything you need about the Fields of Hatred in Diablo 4. We will discuss the rewards you can get, locations, and other things about Fields of Hatred you should know.

What are Fields of Hatred in Diablo 4?

Fields of Hatred in Diablo 4 are special zones in the open world where you can find other players online. These zones are ruled by Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred and one of the three prime evils in Diablo’s world.

Being inside the Fields of Hatred doesn’t mean that you should enter the fight with other players. You can visit Fields to participate in different events, kill monsters and do whatever you want. Still, you need to disable Diablo 4 PvP to walk without risks. Otherwise, you will instantly become a target for all the players searching for the fight against another player.

But if you choose the dangerous way and decide to fight against other players, you can become the Vessel of Hatred, making other players enter the bounty for your head. Your icon will be highlighted on other players’ maps, and they will get an additional reward for defeating you.

Despite your purposes, you can be sure Fields of Hatred is worth your attention. They are perfectly suitable not only for skilled players, but also for beginners.

Related: Diablo 4 Strongholds Explained

Where are the Fields of Hatred in Diablo 4?

Fields of Hatred are the natural part of the Sanctuary world in Diablo 4. There are no limitations about entering Fields of Hatred, so you can do it even at the beginning game’s stages. Unfortunately, we don’t know where you can find Fields of Hatred yet. But we will add them to this guide as soon as possible.

Rewards for Fields of Hatred in Diablo 4

One of the primary rewards you can get in Fields of Hatred are Seeds of Hatred, which can be obtained simply by defeating other players and monsters. These seeds are used to produce Red Dust, which is an extremely important resource in Diablo 4. It is used to purchase cosmetics, weapons, and other premium items that can only be obtained in PvP fights.

That’s it with Diablo 4 Fields of Hatred. These PvP areas can be entered even from the beginning of the game. So, feel free to try your skills and fight against others as soon as Diablo 4 is released. And if you are looking for more content, then be sure to check out our guide on how to create your own clan in Diablo 4.

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Artur is our English-speaking writer from Ukraine who covers many topics in the gaming field. From indies to triple-A blockbusters, he is a gamer through and through. He has been supporting our team as a freelancer since the beginning of 2023.
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