Diablo 4: Create your own Clan & Join existing one

Published: Jun. 01, 2023
Updated: Jan. 29, 2024

German English

In Diablo 4, as in other Diablo Games, you can create or join a clan. With your clan members, you can then go into battle together and don't have to search for random players. We tell you how to create or join your own clan.

What is a clan: In the Diablo universe, a clan is nothing more than a guild. This is an association of many players who have common goals. In your clan, you can determine these goals yourself and thus bring together like-minded players to experience adventures and hunt monsters together. You can then use the regular or clan voice chat to exchange information with your members. However, a clan offers no particular advantages, so you do not necessarily have to create or join one.

How to Create Your Own Clan in Diablo 4

When you start your journey in Diablo 4, you can create or join your own clan right at the beginning. To create your own clan, press the N key, and you will be taken to the clan menu. Here you have a large selection of already-founded clans that you can join – or you can create your own now. To do this, click “Create Clan” at the bottom of the screen and fill in the necessary information.

  1. Press the N key to open the clan window.
  2. Click on “Create Clan” at the bottom of the clan window.
  3. Type in the following information:
    1. Clan Name: The name of your clan. Up to 24 characters long. For example, “Diablo IV”.
    2. Clan Tag: The abbreviation of your clan that every player will see on your name in the world. Up to 6 characters long. For example, DIV.
  4. You can now enter optional information:
    1. Clan Description: Here, you can describe your clan and its goals.
    2. Language: Choose the language of your clan.
    3. Labels: With labels, you can choose which activities your clan mainly does. For example, dungeons or events.

Create a clan to keep up with what your friends are up to!

This is what you need to know about your clan: Your clan, once created, will be visible to all players in the clan search with the corresponding name, label, description, and language. You can have up to 150 members (accounts) in your clan, whereby all characters of your account join this clan.

You can set this separately in the clan settings if you do not want your clan to appear in the clan search. Furthermore, you can also edit the following options here:

  • The message of the day: A message displayed to every member when they log in.
  • Clan information: Here you can share all kinds of information that will only be seen by your clan members. This can also be linked to social media.

Of course, you can also promote or demote individual members in rank to give them more rights. For example, officers can customize the message of the day.

Customize Clan Heraldy: You can also customize your heraldy via the clan options. This is something like the character banner from DIablo 3, but for your clan. Here, you have the following options:

  • Banner shape and texture: Your clan banner's general shape and appearance.
  • Symbols: You can add symbols to define your own style.
  • Color: Here, you can color the icons and the banner itself.

How to join an existing Clan in Diablo 4

You have now created your own clan, congratulations! If you would rather join another clan, you can select a suitable clan in the clan search (N key) and click “Join clan”. In most cases, as a regular member within a clan, you will not have any options to customize anything yourself.

More about Diablo 4

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Source: Maxroll.gg

Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Sascha Asendorf is the co-founder of Guided.news and has been running online magazines in the gaming sector since 2013. Starting with a strong focus on survival games, Sascha now deals a lot with role-playing games and is an expert on survival and RPG titles like Conan Exiles, Baldurs Gate 3 & Cyberpunk 2077.
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