
Disney Dreamlight Valley: How to Unlock, Craft, and Use Ancient Machines [Complete Guide]

Published: Dec. 16, 2023
Updated: Dec. 16, 2023

German English

In the Disney Dreamlight Valley expansion "A Rift in Time", you can craft three ancient machines that will help you with specific activities within the game. We will explain what materials you need to craft them and how to use them.

In this guide, you will learn:

  • How to unlock the ancient machines.
  • How to craft the ancient machines.
  • How to use each of the ancient machines.

How to Unlock the Ancient Machines in "A Rift in Time"

You can unlock the ancient machines, after the first upgrade of your hourglass at the Time Table, that you'll receive from Merlin as part of the Village Project Quest "Timeless Treasures." Upgrading the hourglass will also unlock some useful tool upgrades. In total, you can improve each ancient machine three times and receive Mist as a reward. Currently, there are three ancient machines: the ancient cooker, the ancient gardener, and the ancient vacuum.

The hourglass upgrades you need to upgrade the ancient machines will cost you this much:

  • Upgrade 1: 5000 Mist, you unlock the basic ancient machines.
  • Upgrade 2: 10000 Mist, you unlock the regular ancient machines.
  • Upgrade 3: 15000 Mist, you unlock the advanced ancient machines.
All ancient Machines and Upgrades in Disney Dreamlight Valley

All ancient machines and their upgrades.

How to Craft the Ancient Machines on the Timebending Table

After you have placed the Timebending Table wherever you like on the island and upgraded your hourglass, you can now start to craft the ancient machines. Here are the materials you need for each machine at its upgrades:

Basic Ancient Machines

Basic Ancient Gardener

  • 2000 Mist
  • 2x Ancient Core (Level 1)
  • 3x Ancient Gear
  • 3x Ancient Pipe
Basic Ancient Cooker:

  • 2000 Mist
  • 2x Ancient Core (Level 1)
  • 3x Ancient Radiator
  • 3x Ancient Plate
Basic Ancient Vacuum:

  • 2000 Mist
  • 2x Ancient Core (Level 1)
  • 3x Ancient Magnet
  • 3x Ancient Belt

Regular Ancient Machines

Regular Ancient Gardener:

  • 3500 Mist
  • 2x Ancient Core (Level 2)
  • 5x Ancient Gear
  • 5x Ancient Pipe
  • 1x Basic Ancient Gardener
Regular Ancient Cooker:

  • 3500 Mist
  • 2x Ancient Core (Level 2)
  • 5x Ancient Radiator
  • 5x Ancient Plate
  • 1x Basic Ancient Cooker
Regular Ancient Vacuum:

  • 3500 Mist
  • 2x Ancient Core (Level 2)
  • 5x Ancient Magnet
  • 5x Ancient Belt
  • 1x Basic Ancient Vacuum

Advanced Ancient Machines

Advanced Ancient Gardener:

  • 5000 Mist
  • 2x Ancient Core (Level 3)
  • 7x Ancient Gear
  • 7x Ancient Pipe
  • 1x Regular Ancient Gardener
Advanced Ancient Cooker:

  • 5000 Mist
  • 2x Ancient Core (Level 3)
  • 7x Ancient Radiator
  • 7x Ancient Plate
  • 1x Regular Ancient Cooker
Advanced Ancient Vacuum:

  • 5000 Mist
  • 2x Ancient Core (Level 3)
  • 7x Ancient Magnet
  • 7x Ancient Belt
  • 1x Regular Ancient Vacuum

How to Use the Ancient Machines in Disney Dreamlight Valley

User Manual for the Ancient Gardener

Once you've crafted the ancient gardener, you will find it in the Building menu inside the appliance folder. If you choose to place it, you'll see a marked area in front of it. This area indicates how many plants the ancient gardener can plant and water. Place the ancient gardener, and then create a garden bed within the marked area. Alternatively, interact with the ancient gardener to open its menu. At the top of its menu, you can select the option for the gardener to dig the entire garden bed for you, but this will require spending Mist for each digging action. The basic ancient gardener can handle 15 plants at a time.

The ancient gardener in Disney Dreamligth Valley

The Ancient Gardener

Click on the "Select Seeds" button and choose the seeds you want to plant. Planting seeds will cost you 10 Mist for each plant. If harvesting each plant individually is too much, you can interact with the ancient gardener after all the plants are grown and ready to harvest. Select "Harvest" to receive all plants in your inventory.

Usage of the Ancient Cooker

Once you've finished making the cooker, you will find it in the "Appliance" section of the Building menu. Place it where you want, and interact with it to open its menu. Next, choose "Add Ingredients," and the regular cooking screen will appear. At the top left of the screen, you can select a recipe for a dish you already know that you want to cook. Use the "Autofill" button to automatically add the ingredients to the cooker. Press "Start Cooking" to return to the menu of the ancient cooker.

Choosing Ingredients to cook in the Ancient Cooker in Disney Dreamlight Valley

Select the dish you intend to cook and let the ingredients fill in automatically.

In hour Disney Dreamlight Valley Guide Overview, you can find more helpful guides about Disney Dreamlight Valley.

By using the "Cook..." button, you can choose how many dishes you want to cook. Each dish will cost you 25 Mist. Start the cooking process by selecting the "Add" button. In the cooker menu, you can now see a bar at the bottom left that slowly fills from 0% to 100%. The bar indicates how far along a dish is. For 10 dishes, the bar needs to fill up ten times.

Progress bar while using the ancient cooker in Disney Dreamlight Valley

The bar shows you how far along a dish is in the completion process.

You can claim the dishes that are already finished at any time, even if the cooker is still not finished cooking the total amount that you chose. When the cooker is done with all the dishes, it will stop glowing blue, and you can claim all the dishes that are left. The selected ingredients and recipe will remain inside the menu of the ancient cooker even after cooking. If you want to cook the same dish again, just choose the number of dishes and start the process once more.

Collect the dishes from the ancient cooker in Disney Dreamlight Valley

Collect the finished dishes.


Utilizing the Ancient Vacuum

You will also find the ancient vacuum cleaner in the building menu under the "Appliance" tab after crafting it. Place it wherever you want it to gather resources. Since the basic vacuum cleaner only scans for night thorns and crystals of destiny in the area, you should place it in an area where these are located. It is best to remember to pack it up after using it, as you can use it in all places in Dreamlight Valley.

The Ancient Vacuum in Disney Dreamlight Valley

Place the ancient Vacuum in an area.

Once you've placed it, you'll need to interact with it to open its menu, which will show you all the things the vacuum cleaner has found for you to collect. Choose the resource and the quantity you want the vacuum cleaner to gather for you, and confirm it with "ok." Afterward, you can start the gathering process for 10 Mist per item, and you'll find all the collected items in your inventory.

Example: If you choose all the crystals, that the ancient vacuum found, the place where you've placed it will be completely cleared of them. In your inventory, you'll then find all the rewards that you would have obtained by manually removing them, and the coins will automatically be added to your account.

The cleaned area after using the ancient Vacuum in Disney Dreamlight Valley

The ancient vacuum cleaned the area.

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