Dreamlight Valley: How to Unlock Rapunzel [Quest Guide]

Published: Dec. 07, 2023
Updated: Dec. 07, 2023

German English

Our editor, Alex, has been playing Dreamlight Valley since the beginning of Early Access. Here he explains how to unlock the new DLC character Rapunzel.

In this guide, you will learn:

  • The conditions that must be met for Rapunzel to move into the valley.
  • What exactly you need to do to unlock Rapunzel.

Rapunzel is Only Included in the DLC A Rift in Time

To unlock Rapunzel in Disney Dreamlight Valley, you must own the recently released DLC "A Rift in Time." You can get it for $30 on Steam. However, you can't immediately bring Rapunzel into the valley; you have to play through the story of the expansion for some time.

For many more guides on Disney Dreamlight Valley, check out our comprehensive guide overview.

And that's up to the point where you are tasked with repairing the bridge to the Sparkling Dunes and the Wild Tangle. This will also lead you to the Grassland, where Rapunzel is located on the far left of the biome, behind a waterfall (see image below).

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Behind the waterfall is Rapunzel. (Disney Dreamlight Valley, Image: Game Sandwich)

Dreamlight Valley: How to Bring Rapunzel to Your Valley

Once you have found the young woman, talk to her and then use the hourglass tool to remove the gray floating rocks nearby. If you talk to Rapunzel again after this, she will ask you to find two more floating rocks that, as she says, should contain Sun Core pieces. One is in the Docks, and the other is in the Plains. However, note that the rocks are randomly scattered in the biome.

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This is what the sun core looks like in the inventory. (Disney Dreamlight Valley, Bild: Game Sandwitch)

No complicated steps are involved in this task. Simply remove the floating rocks until you have the remaining Sun Core pieces. You can then assemble the Sun Core from them at the crafting bench. Finished? Then return to Rapunzel at the waterfall and let the Sun Core interact with the large door there. Go to the other side of the door to talk to Rapunzel again.

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In the top picture: a Sundial Gear. (Disney Dreamlight Valley, Bild: Game Sandwitch)

Collect the Sundial Gears

If you move forward after the conversation, you will see a floating Sun Core on a platform below. Grab it and then place it in the Sundial on the same platform. After that, Rapunzel will instruct you to find some floating Sundial Gears, which are scattered all over Eternity Isle.

Some of them are static, meaning they do not move, while others you will have to chase. Once you have collected all of them, return to Rapunzel's location. Interact with the Sundial again to reveal a path to a small island. You will have to clear some floating rocks out of the way again.

Vine Seeds in the Plains

Once that is done, another conversation with Rapunzel is due. Your next step is to unlock access to the Dreamlight Grove for 4,000 Mist. There you will find Rapunzel's tower, which you now visit. And as if you haven't received enough collection quests yet, Rapunzel now also instructs you to find vine seeds in the Plains.

Search the area for spots with visible vine bits. Collect three of these seeds, which you show to Rapunzel back in the Dreamlight Grove. After that, you need to clear the swirling sand around the base of the tower – only then can you plant the three vine seeds in the ground. Interact with Rapunzel's tower to expedite the growth of the seeds. After a moment, you can finally enter the tower.

Now it's almost done. Finally, examine the chest inside the tower, after which some kind of sand version of Mother Gothel appears. Now simply watch the conversation between Rapunzel and Mother Gothel, and then open the chest again. Your final act is to present Rapunzel with the paints inside. And that's it; now you can welcome Rapunzel as a new resident of Dreamlight Valley.

Disney Dreamlight Valley has been available since December 5th for PC (Steam), macOS, PlayStation 5/4, Xbox Series X/S/One, and Nintendo Switch. The full version is priced at 40 dollars on all platforms, with the DLC "A Rift in Time" costing an additional 30 dollars.


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After graduating from high school, I initially wanted to study instrumental music. However, eventually I pursued a career as a video game journalist, which I started at the prestigious Ehapa-Verlag publisher, among others. Today, I share my extensive video game expertise with Guided. I benefit from over 40 years of experience with PC and console games, as well as my work in game development for the indie studio Knights of Bytes. I understand how video games work, and I also know how to convey my knowledge in an understandable manner.
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