
Dreamlight Valley: How to Unlock Gaston [Quest Guide]

Published: Dec. 07, 2023
Updated: Dec. 07, 2023

German English

Our editor, Alex, has been playing Dreamlight Valley since the beginning of Early Access. Here he explains how to unlock the new DLC character Gaston.

In this guide, you will learn:

  • The conditions that must be met for Gaston to move into the valley.
  • What exactly you need to do to unlock Gaston.

Gaston is Only Included in the DLC A Rift in Time

To unlock Gaston in Disney Dreamlight Valley, you must own the recently released DLC “A Rift in Time.” You can get it for $30 on Steam. However, you can’t immediately bring Gaston into the valley; you have to play through the story of the expansion for some time.

For many more guides on Disney Dreamlight Valley, check out our comprehensive guide overview.

And that’s up to the point where you are tasked with repairing the bridge to the Sparkling Dunes and the Wild Tangle. This will also lead you to the Grassland, where Rapunzel is located on the far left of the biome, behind a waterfall (see image below).

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An diesem Ort auf der Karte befindet sich Gaston. (Disney Dreamlight Valley, Bild: Game Sandwitch)

Dreamlight Valley: How to Bring Gaston to Your Valley

Once you've found Gaston, talk to him, and you'll learn that he's very hungry. He sends you out to find specific items in the Glittering Dunes. These are:

  • A "moving spider-like thing" alias Scorpion. Lives in the sand very close to Gaston and needs to be angled.
  • A "green, spiky-leafed plant" alias Agaves. Found everywhere on the map.
  • Certain "sweet, brown raisin things" alias Dates. Grow on trees in the immediate vicinity.
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Give poor Gaston the above items to eat. (Disney Dreamlight Valley, Image: Game Sandwitch)

Once you've collected everything, return to Gaston and hand him the unusual food. After that, follow him to his camp. After another conversation with Gaston, you'll have to find three clues nearby. These are:

  • Homemade glue, located in the chest behind the tent.
  • Coconut husks, found next to the barrels near the barbecue.
  • Paint palette, lying on the boxes next to the tent.

Your next task is to fish up an item called "... LeFou?" from the quicksand right next to Gaston. Shortly afterward, the taskmaster sends you to find the Desert Scarab Piece in The Plains – for this, you need the Hourglass tool. The location of the piece is randomly determined, similar to other objects in the A Rift in Time DLC.

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The quicksand is located near Gaston. (Disney Dreamlight Valley, Image: Game Sandwitch)

Solve the Quest "The Wild Tangle's Swarm"

The next step is to have a conversation with the hologram of Grand Vizier Jafar. Use the appropriate device for this; which one you use doesn't matter. After the conversation, return to Gaston and talk to him again.

The quest "The Wild Tangle's Swarm" then begins, instructing you to wait for Gaston to "re-center himself." This may take a moment, several hours to be precise. You will then be instructed to talk to Rapunzel, which you do, of course. From her, you then receive the task to find Swarming Insects in the Dreamlight Grove.

The Swarming Insects are located in the northeastern part of the Grove near the entrance to the Lagoon. Take a photo of the swarm and show it to Rapunzel, who will not be satisfied with that and will send you out again. This time, you're supposed to collect flowers for arrangements. Specifically, you need:

  • Tropical wood x12
  • Green fly trap x4
  • Purple fly trap x4
  • Red pitcher plant x4
  • Yellow pitcher plant x4

All these items are found in the Wild Tangle biome, specifically where you also photographed the Swarming Insects. Once you have all the flowers, go to your workbench and process the flowers into two carnivorous floral arrangements.

Enter the Cave of Wonders

Return to the Swarming Insects and place the carnivorous floral arrangements nearby. Afterward, talk to Gaston again, who joyfully summons you back to the Swarming Insects. On-site, you'll acquire the second piece of the Jungle Scarab, with which you head once again to Jafar's hologram.

After some small talk, open your inventory to access blueprints. At a Timebending Table, you can now craft the Jungle Scarab using three Dream Shards and 1,000 Mist. Now, you need to confer with Jafar's hologram once more.

Lastly, follow the flying Scarab north until it concludes its journey, and you can interact with it. After a cutscene, enter the mouth of the sand tiger to find yourself in the Cave of Wonders.

Solving Puzzles in the Cave of Wonders

Right in the first chamber of the Cave of Wonders, your path leads you to the left, where you need to remove some Splinters of Fate. This action allows you to pick up an Energy Coil, which you can then place in the nearby slot. In the main area of the cave, you can now open a door by activating the switch located there.

This grants you access to the second room, where another puzzle awaits you. Initially, go to the staircase on the right and ascend to another room. Upon arrival, you'll see a kind of giant checkerboard, whose central Energy Coil needs to be supplied with energy (see image below).

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This puzzle in the Cave of Wonders is solved by moving stones. (Disney Dreamlight Valley, Image: Gamespot)

You do this as follows: Rotate the individual stones on their axes until the energy flows through the stones into the center of the "board." Stone Number 1 needs to be turned once, Stone Number 2 three times, Stone Number 3 twice, Stone Number 4 once, and Stone Number 5 twice. Once the coil in the middle is fully charged, you can take it off its pedestal.

Now, go back to the first room of the cave and climb the left stairs. You know the drill: Remove the Splinters of Fate here as well, pick up the ancient mirror nearby, and activate the two switches in the same room. This will cause a beam of light to point toward the entrance. Place the ancient mirror at the wall there.

Redirecting the Beam of Light

In the central room of the cave, the next step is to operate another switch and lift the mirror there so that it directs the beam of light to the right side of the large forcefield door. Insert the previously obtained Energy Coil into the slot next to the right stairs to generate another beam, which will land on the left side of the forcefield door.

This will hit the left side of the forcefield door. Now you can go through the door and then always follow your nose to reach the Jewel of Time. And that's almost it. All you have to do now is speak to Gaston in front of the cave. After that, you can welcome Gaston as the new resident of Dreamlight Valley.

Disney Dreamlight Valley has been available since December 5th for PC (Steam), macOS, PlayStation 5/4, Xbox Series X/S/One, and Nintendo Switch. The full version is priced at 40 dollars on all platforms, with the DLC "A Rift in Time" costing an additional 30 dollars.


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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
After graduating from high school, I initially wanted to study instrumental music. However, eventually I pursued a career as a video game journalist, which I started at the prestigious Ehapa-Verlag publisher, among others. Today, I share my extensive video game expertise with Guided. I benefit from over 40 years of experience with PC and console games, as well as my work in game development for the indie studio Knights of Bytes. I understand how video games work, and I also know how to convey my knowledge in an understandable manner.
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