
Elden Ring: All Legendary Talismans and Where to Find Them

Published: Jul. 11, 2022
Updated: Jul. 11, 2022

German English

Without a tuned build, you won't have fun in Elden Ring for long. Even with powerful weapons and strong buffs, sudden death lurks everywhere in the intermediate lands. To arm your character against all enemies, you need the right talismans. The legendary talismans are especially useful.

In total, you can find eight legendary talismans in Elden Ring. You get them for defeating strong enemies, completing quests, or finding them in hidden chests. Depending on your character and build, the legendary talismans in Elden Ring will boost your physical damage, talents or defense. In our guide, we'll introduce you to all eight legendary talismans and show you how to find them.

Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman

Elden Ring Dragoncrest Greatshield talisman


For the Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman, you will need to travel to the "Miquella's Haligtree" area. This is absolute end-game content and therefore only accessible late in the game. Once you find the place of mercy "Sewer", from there you can walk across a huge root that leads over an archway to the roof of a building. In this building you will find a treasure chest with the talisman.

Effect of Dragon Great Shield Talisman:

  • Increases resistance to physical damage

Godfrey's icon

Elden Ring Godfreys Icon


For the Legendary Talisman Godfrey's Icon, you must complete a boss fight. Travel to the Seal Prison of the Golden Family Tree to the east of the Great Elevator of Dectus in Altus Plateau. Activate the Seal Prison and defeat Godfrey the Transplanted to pocket the talisman.

Effect of Godfrey's Icon:

  • Boosts attacks
  • Spell cry
  • Invocations

Earth Tree Favor +2

Elden Ring Erdtree's Favor +2


To get the legendary talisman Earth Tree Favor +2 you need to defeat Maliketh in Farum Azula to cover the royal capital Leyndell with ashes. Run into the city from the Forbidden Lands' place of grace until you reach the large square. Turn left as soon as you reach it. Sneak along the far left wall to the end of the square, so you can avoid the mighty tree guards that guard the talisman. In the end, you will see the talisman glowing on a tree trunk.

Effect of Favor of the Earth Tree +2:

  • Increases maximum health points
  • Stamina
  • max. equipment weight

Radagons Sore Seal

Elden Ring Ragaons Soreseal


For the legendary talisman Radagon's Sore Seal, you must travel to Greyoll's Dragon Mound in Caelid. From there, ride into Faroth Fortress and climb the ladder inside once you've defeated the bats or left them on your left. On the roof you have to jump into the back hole onto the platform, turn around and jump onto the other platform opposite with the rats. Below the pedestal lies the talisman as loot next to a corpse.

Effect of Radagon's Wound Seal:

  • Increases strength +5
  • Strength +5
  • Stamina +5
  • Dexterity +5
  • Damage taken is increased

Marika's Sore Seal

Elden Ring Marikas Soreseal


You can also find this legendary talisman in Miquella's Haligtree. From the place of grace "Prayer Room", take the direct way out and simply follow the city wall to the end. Use the transition and jump onto the tower ledge below. Go around the tower and jump onto the next city wall.

On it, run to the end again and drop onto a building roof on the western side, and then drop even further. You will land in front of a misty door, which you can open with a stone sword key. Behind it, you will find the talisman.

Effect of Marika's Wound Seal:

  • Increases spirit +5
  • Wisdom +5
  • Faith +5
  • Arcane energy +5
  • Damage taken is increased.

Talisman of the Old Lord

Elden Ring Old Lord's Talisman


You can get the legendary talisman of the old prince in Farum Azula just before the last boss fight. Start at the place of mercy "At the Great Bridge", run outside and up the stairs to the left. At the top, turn 180 degrees and run away from the Colosseum straight into a corridor. Inside, go down the stairs for a moment, then back outside and down the ladder onto a small bridge. There Bernal will appear and attack you. Directly behind him in a chest lies the talisman.

Effect of the old lord talisman:

  • Extends the duration of spell effects.

Radagon's Icon

Elden Ring Radagons Icon


In the Academy of Raya Lucaria in Liurnia, start from the place of grace "Forum of Debate". Head outside, past the iron gate, and continue southeast. Jump over the railing and run straight to a ladder that leads you to a path to the jumped window. Jump over here as well and run to the right to the chest with the talisman.

Effect of Radagon's Icon:

  • Shortened casting time

Moon from Nokstella

Elden Ring Moon of Nokstella


If you have already completed Ranni's quest, you can travel to the place of mercy "Nokstella, the Eternal City" and from there always run to the northeast. In the last church, you can then bag the talisman.

Effect of legendary talisman moon of Nokstella:

  • Increased number of memory places by 2x places
Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on Guided.news he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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