Cyberpunk 2077: All about Gender Appearence & Genitalia Changes

Published: Dec. 10, 2020
Updated: Nov. 27, 2023

German English

Cyberpunk 2077 offers a setting for genital type and size. The FPS-RPG thus joins Rust and Conan Exiles in an illustrious round of, particularly permissive, character adaptation.

What's happening: The trends at search engine giant Google shows that the interest in genital adjustment in Cyberpunk 2077 is exploding. So we don't want to let you down and describe the features in the new game from CD Projekt Red!

How Gender & Genital Adjustment works in Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 goes multiple steps towards gender neutrality and player freedom. Not only can you pick between female and male characters, you can mix the gender characteristics as you wish. In the following list, you find every possibility of mixing up your character's genitals:

  • Male characteristic
    • Penis type 1 (circumcised)
    • Penis type 2 (not circumcised)
  • Female characteristic
    • Vagina
    • Breast in "small", "standard", "large"
  • Penis and breasts
  • Nipples yes / no
  • Pubic hairstyles in various forms and shapes

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Your opinion: What do you think about the possibility to customize genitals as part of an ingame character that you hardly ever see in the game? Tough on the edge due to possibly sexist tendencies? Or, just fine, to bring a little fun into the game? Feel free to post your opinion in the comments!

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