
How to Decode This Level’s Puzzle in Genshin Impact

Published: Nov. 11, 2023
Updated: Nov. 11, 2023


Once you get to Savior's Wake, you'll have to Decode This Level's Puzzle. Here you will learn what you need to do to complete them and get the desired rewards. We've spent a lot of time completing these two puzzles, and are going to show you how to Decode This Level's Puzzle in Genshin Impact in detail below.

Contents of the guide:

  • We've provided screenshots to help you better understand how to proceed.
  • Initially, you will learn how to decode and complete the first puzzle.
  • You will go through the steps of directing the beams and going down to the lower level.
  • You will also learn in detail how to decode the second puzzle.
  • After going through a certain number of steps, you will complete these two objectives.

Genshin Impact: How to Decode First Level’s Puzzle

To successfully Decode First Level's Puzzle, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions below:

Direct the Beams

Genshin Impact: wall

First, you have to interact with the mechanism to direct the beams into the holes on the southwest wall. For your convenience, this wall is marked on the screenshot above.

Go Level Down

When a yellow marker appears in the middle, go over and interact with it. Then jump down from the platform to the lower level.

Genshin Impact: How to Decode Second Level’s Puzzle

The second puzzle will be a little harder, but with the instructions below, you should be able to do it easily:

Deal With Your Enemies

Genshin Impact: enemies

First, defeat all the enemies.

Activate the Mechanism

Genshin Impact: machine

Next, interact with the mechanism to activate the machine. After that, a door will open, which you will need to enter and activate the lift to go down.

Kill the Meks Specialist and activate the Mechanism

Genshin Impact: machine

Next, you will see a Meks Specialist guarding the first mechanism on this level. You need to kill the enemy and activate the mechanism. It will help you spin the Eliphas Beams.

Open the First Door

Genshin Impact: door

Next, grab the orb and aim the lower Eliphas Beam over the door of the first room as shown in the screenshot above. When the door opens, you will immediately encounter several enemies, a chest with loot, and a second mechanism that needs to be activated. This mechanism will separate the Eliphas Beams and you will be able to control the upper beam independently of the lower one.

Open the Second Door

Genshin Impact: door

  • To open the second door, the Eliphas Beams must be disengaged using the second mechanism.
  • Rotate the upper Eliphas Beam so that it is exactly above the lower one.
  • After that, you need to interact with the second mechanism to connect the Eliphas Beams and direct them over the second door.
  • Finally, you need to interact with the second mechanism again to put the Eliphas Beams exactly in the right place.

Enter the Door and Go Down

Genshin Impact: door

Next, you will need to go through the door, activate the lift to go down, and kill all the enemies. There you will find the next mechanism that you need to activate, enter the door that will open and activate the lift to go down again.

First Root Cycle

First Root Cycle

The next step is to find the three Root Cycles:

  • To get the first Root Cycle, find the Eliphas Beams control mechanism.
  • Pick up the orb next to it, and direct the Eliphas Beam as shown in the screenshot above.
  • Use the blue orb to move to the first Root Cycle.
  • Take the Root Cycle and activate the mechanism next to it.

Second Root Cycle

Second Root Cycle

  • After that, direct Eliphas Beam to the door to the left of the control mechanism.
  • Go to the door that will open.
  • Take the second Root Cycle there, but do not activate the mechanism next to it.

Third Root Cycle

Third Root Cycle

  • Finally, to get the third Root Cycle, move the top Eliphas Beam to the bottom one.
  • Activate the mechanism found near the second Root Cycle.
  • Move the Eliphas Beams to open the last door.
  • Take the third Root Cycle.

Finally, you will be able to complete the task successfully.

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Artur is our English-speaking writer from Ukraine who covers many topics in the gaming field. From indies to triple-A blockbusters, he is a gamer through and through. He has been supporting our team as a freelancer since the beginning of 2023.
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