How to Get and Use Clown Horn in Lethal Company

Published: Dec. 05, 2023
Updated: Dec. 05, 2023


The Clown Horn is not the most useful item in the game, but it can still come in handy if you need to run away from the enemy. Are you wondering how? To answer this question, we have performed many raids on planets to find this item, and now we are ready to tell you how to get and use Clown Horn in Lethal Company.

Content of the guide: This guide provides detailed information about Clown Horn, including how to find and use it.

  • Information on how to find Clown Horn.
  • How to use Clown Horn.
  • How Clown Horn can be useful.

Lethal Company: How to Get Clown Horn

Clown Horn in Lethal Company

Unfortunately, Clown Horn is considered scrap, so it is impossible to buy it at the terminal like most useful things. Instead, the only way to get this item is to research the facility. This item is not considered rare, but it is not as common as other scrap. To find it, you will need to carefully explore the facility, trying to go deeper, or opening locked rooms.

Lethal Company: How to Use Clown Horn

There are no special requirements for using Clown Horn. So, all you need to do is pick it up and click the left mouse button. When you do, you will hear a loud funny sound. So here we come to probably the most important question, how can it be useful? In general, we have found 3 ways to use this item, here are the options:

  • Sell: Probably the most commonplace and obvious option is to simply sell the item. By selling it, you can get from 38 to 71 credits, which is a decent amount to fulfill your initial quotas.
  • Avoid enemies: You may have encountered eyeless dogs while exploring the planet. This type of enemy can't see you, but they can hear your voice, so you need to be quiet and crouch down. But with the Clown Horn, everything changes, because now you can make a sound so loud that eyeless dogs will get scared and avoid you. If you haven't sold this item, be sure to take advantage of this feature.
  • Communication: Another viable option for using the Clown Horn is to communicate with your team. Given that the sound is quite loud, you can notify your allies of danger or need for help, or anything else you agree on.

As you can see, not everything you find in the facility is unnecessary garbage, some items can be really useful and Clown Horn is one of them.

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Artur is our English-speaking writer from Ukraine who covers many topics in the gaming field. From indies to triple-A blockbusters, he is a gamer through and through. He has been supporting our team as a freelancer since the beginning of 2023.
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