When we embarked on exploring other biomes and caves, enemies became much harder to deal with, so we decided to protect ourselves. As it turned out, there is no armor in the game, so we used trinkets and charms instead, and now we are ready to tell you how to increase your Armor, which is Protection in Lego Fortnite.
Content of the guide: Now you're going to learn more about how to increase Protection in LEGO Fortnite.
The best way to protect yourself is to use trinkets and charms. The game doesn't have traditional iron chests or helmets, but instead, your main defense will be these accessories. In general, you can only carry 3 charms at a time, which is actually enough if you have a decent rarity, such as epic ones.
In general, all charms add armor, increase your health, and can also provide various buffs. In fact, this is a great defense system because if you collect enough charms, you can change them depending on the situation to gain an advantage in battle or survive in extreme conditions. So that you don't have to search for it yourself, here's a complete list of charms and trinkets you can use:
Charms and Trinkets | Rarity | Effects |
Health Charm | Common |
Health Charm | Uncommon |
Cool-Headed Charm | Uncommon |
Hearty Totem | Uncommon |
Hearty Totem | Rare |
Totem of the Immortal | Rare |
Charm of Resilience | Rare |
Good Luck Charm | Rare |
Cool-Headed Charm | Rare |
Health Charm | Rare |
Regeneration Charm | Rare |
Inner Fire Charm | Rare |
Inner Fire Charm | Epic |
Charm of Resilience | Epic |
Health Charm | Epic |
Regeneration Charm | Epic |
As you can see, there is a lot to choose from, so you will definitely find something for you. The main problem that may arise is how to get charms and trinkets.
Like most other items, you can craft charms and trinkets by finding the necessary resources. Take for example the Cool-Headed Charm, a great option that will not only increase your armor and health but also provide resistance to hot temperatures. So, what do you need for this?
First, you should consider the rarity of the item, in this case, it is uncommon, so you need to make sure that your Work Bench is of the same rarity. It's not hard to do, just find the necessary resources and upgrade your Work Bench from common to uncommon. Next, you'll need to find the resources to craft the charm itself, in this case the following:
As you can see, even for one of the simplest crafts, you will need to collect resources from different biomes, so take care of this in advance when you have the opportunity. Of course, the higher the rarity of a charm or trinket, the more valuable resources you'll need to find and upgrade your Work Bench accordingly.
An alternative and more difficult way to get a charm or trinket is to find them in treasure chests or llamas. In this case, it all depends on your luck because you can go searching for llamas and chests for quite a long time. If you have just started playing and do not have any resources, this option will be good to get a small advantage from the very beginning.
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