
Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth: All Jobs & Special Attacks

Published: Jan. 25, 2024
Updated: Jan. 25, 2024

German English

In Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, jobs serve as character classes. Alex, our expert for Sega's Yakuza series, breaks down each of the jobs, including their special attacks.

Everything about Jobs and Combat Skills (TLDR):

  • Characters like Ichiban, Kiryu, Chitose, and others can take on various jobs in Infinite Wealth.
  • Each job is a unique fighting style equipped with several powerful special attacks.
  • There are a total of 20 jobs, some of which are exclusive to specific main characters.

All Professions & Combat Skills in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks

The job system in "Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth" adds dynamic action to battles, effectively serving as specialized character classes. While many jobs might seem unconventional at first glance (ever seen a housekeeper fight with a mop or a water sports enthusiast with a surfboard?), a closer look reveals similarities to Dungeons & Dragons and the like.

Haven't unlocked jobs in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth yet? This guide will show you how.

However, Infinite Wealth takes it a step further by allowing you to craft your unique class from the progressively unlocked special abilities. This article, though, is focused on the standard jobs available, such as Action Star, Pyrodancer, Cabbie, and Housekeeper.

We've compiled a comprehensive table listing all the available jobs in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Column 1 details the requirements and images for each class, Column 2 provides information on job traits and basic stats like HP, MP, and attack power, and Column 3 explains the special attacks unique to each class.

But enough talk: Let's dive in!

Job / Requirements
Description / Traits Special Attacks

  • Cost: $1,600
  • Confidence: Level 5

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Action Star

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Action Star 02

The Action-Star, as evident from the images in the left column, pays homage to Bruce Lee from "(Re-) Enter the Dragon". Strangely, Ichiban Lee moves at a speed of 3/5. Overall, this class is designed to deal damage.

  • HP: 5/5
  • MP: 3/5
  • Attack: 4/5
  • Defense: 3/5
  • Magic: 1/5
  • Focus: 2/5
  • Speed: 3/5

Characters allowed to take on this job:

  • Ichiban Kasuga
  • Kazuma Kiryu
  • Eric Tomizawa
  • Flying Dragon Kick: Bruce Lee's iconic flying kick.
  • Heaven's Fall: A Nunchaku hit followed by a shoulder throw.
  • Rapid Dance Kick: Charges at the enemy and delivers powerful kicks.
  • Swirling Dragon's Throw: A judo-like shoulder throw causing a hard landing. Damages the entire enemy line.
  • Merciless Melee: Throws the enemy to the ground and follows up with several mighty punches.

  • Cost: None
  • Kindness: Level 1

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks AquanautLike a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Aquanaut 02

This job takes surfing and diving to the streets and indoors. Anyone crossing the Aquanaut's path gets hit with surfboards and diving fins made of pure energy. Additionally, this fighter has healing properties, making them a versatile ally.

  • HP: 2/5
  • MP: 4/5
  • Attack: 3/5
  • Defense: 3/5
  • Magic: 3/5
  • Focus: 3/5
  • Speed: 3/5

Characters allowed to take on this job:

  • Ichiban Kasuga
  • Kazuma Kiryu
  • Eric Tomizawa
  • Flipper to the Lipper: A powerful roundhouse kick with diving fins.
  • Beachside Bro-BQ: Grills fish on a barbecue, healing nearby party members.
  • Cresting Collider: A strong surfboard attack followed by a somersault.
  • Trippy Flipper Ripper: A very powerful triple roundhouse kick with diving fins.
  • Merciless Melee: Throws the opponent to the ground and follows up with several mighty punches.

  • Standard Job

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Cabbie 01Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Cabbie 02

Essentially, this is the taxi driver's job, but it might as well be called a car mechanic. This style involves everything that comes with car technology, including a car battery. A job not to be underestimated, often quickly tipping battles in the heroes' favor. If one were to find a classic RPG equivalent for the Cabbie, it might be something like a magician in heavy armor.

  • HP: 2/5
  • MP: 5/5
  • Attack: 3/5
  • Defense: 2/5
  • Magic: 3/5
  • Focus: 2/5
  • Speed: 3/5

Characters allowed to take on this job:

  • Eric Tomizawa
  • Lug Launcher: Throws a lug wrench with great force at an opponent.
  • Battery Shock: Charges and discharges a car battery on an opponent. High electrical damage.
  • Tire Tumbler: Rolls a large tire that runs over all enemies in its path.
  • Jawbreaker: Literally a very strong uppercut.
  • Scrubdown: Thorough car wash for an opponent. Not at all pleasant for them.
  • Fusee Doozy: Ignites two flares and burns them into an opponent. High effectiveness.

  • Cost: $1600
  • Style: Level 5

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Desperado 01Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Desperado 02

True to its name, the Desperado is a genuine gunslinger from the Gold Rush era in the USA. However, he fights not only with his revolvers but also knows how to handle his lasso and hunting knife. The Desperado has plenty of MP to execute as many special attacks in a row as possible. His high attack power comes at the cost of rather weak defense.

  • HP: 2/5
  • MP: 5/5
  • Attack: 4/5
  • Defense: 2/5
  • Magic: 3/5
  • Focus: 2/5
  • Speed: 3/5

Characters allowed to take on this job:

  • Ichiban Kasuga
  • Kazuma Kiryu
  • Eric Tomizawa
  • Wild Lasso: Pulls an adversary closer with the lasso and then kicks them away. Has a chance to inflict Silence (the enemy cannot use magic attacks for a while.)
  • Sedative Shot: Fires a shot from the revolver that has a chance to put the hit enemy to sleep.
  • Standstill Stab: Draws a hunting knife and coats it with paralyzing poison. Succeeding in a Quicktime event increases the chance of paralysis.
  • Firing Squad: Fires many rapid shots from the revolver, inflicting high damage to all enemies in the line of fire.
  • Merciless Melee: Throws the opponent to the ground and follows up with several powerful punches.

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  • HP: /5
  • MP: /5
  • Attack: /5
  • Defense: /5
  • Magic: /5
  • Focus: /5
  • Speed: /5

Characters allowed to take on this job:

  • Ichiban Kasuga
  • Kazuma Kiryu
  • Eric Tomizawa
Dragon of Dojima

  • Standard Job

(Click images to enlarge)Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Dragon of Dojima 01Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Dragon of Dojima 02

This job is naturally the fitting hand-to-hand combat style for Kazuma Kiryu. However, the associated special attacks might not seem familiar. The Dragon pulls some surprises out of the hat. Overall, Kiryu's punch power lives up to his reputation, thus outshining his peers at the start. In essence, this style is not unlike that of the Action Star.

  • HP: 3/5
  • MP: 3/5
  • Attack: 5/5
  • Defense: 4/5
  • Magic: 1/5
  • Focus: 3/5
  • Speed: 3/5

Characters allowed to take on this job:

  • Kazuma Kiryu
  • Essence of Tonfa: A hearty sequence of punches, further enhanced by successful Quicktime events.
  • Essence of Kali Sticks: Strikes three enemies in turn with two short combat sticks.
  • Essence of Dagger: Pierces the enemy on the run with a stabbing weapon. Can cause bleeding damage.
  • Essence of Komaki Pupil: Three deep punches and a powerful uppercut finisher. Can break through defenses.
  • Essence of Sweeping: Swirls around with an oversized combat staff made of energy, causing high damage.
  • Essence of Pistol: Draws a pistol and fires a shot. Causes moderate damage.

  • Standard Job

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks FreelancerLike a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Freelancer 02

This is Ichiban's basic combat style. With just three special abilities that aren't particularly effective at the beginning, the Freelancer is probably the weakest fighter in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Even the next higher job, that of the Hero, significantly outperforms it, so this class can safely be neglected.

  • HP: 3/5
  • MP: 3/5
  • Attack: 5/5
  • Defense: 4/5
  • Magic: 1/5
  • Focus: 3/5
  • Speed: 3/5

Characters allowed to take on this job:

  • Ichiban Kasuga
  • Tenacious Fist: A relatively ordinary punch combination that, however, has a chance to stun an opponent.
  • Rock Swing: A powerful shoulder throw similar to that of the Action Star but with wrestling influences.
  • Merciless Melee: Throws the opponent to the ground and follows up with several powerful punches.

  • Cost: $200
  • Passion: Level 1

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Geodancer 01Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Geodancer 02

Pacific-inspired dancer, armed with two wicked batons, serving both as support and attacker. It's a well-balanced job that invites experimentation with its quirky abilities. However, at the end of the day, Chitose might be more effective as an Heiress in most setups.

  • HP: 3/5
  • MP: 3/5
  • Attack: 3/5
  • Defense: 3/5
  • Magic: 3/5
  • Focus: 3/5
  • Speed: 3/5

Characters allowed to take on this job:

  • Chitose Fujinomiya
  • Harmonious Hula: Increases the magic of nearby party members through traditional dance.
  • Kolohe Kick: Powerful, magical frontal attack with a chance to increase one's agility and thus dodge rate.
  • Coconut Shower: Sprays coconut water around, healing allies in the vicinity.
  • Honolulu Hips: The Geodancer's strongest attack, executed with hips and buttocks, knocking the opponent to the ground.

  • Standard Job

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Heiress 01Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Heiress 02

Heiress is the fitting combat style for Chitose, showcasing weak defense that belies her apparent physical frailty. However, appearances can be deceiving. At higher job ranks, Chitose becomes an incredibly agile and strong attacker, whose weaknesses can be well compensated with a few accessories.

  • HP: 3/5
  • MP: 3/5
  • Attack: 3/5
  • Defense: 2/5
  • Magic: 3/5
  • Focus: 3/5
  • Speed: 4/5

Characters allowed to take on this job:

  • Chitose Fujinomiya
  • Palm Tree Pose: Brief stretching exercises that enhance Chitose's attack power.
  • Grand Jeté: A well-known ballet leap technique used here to kick away an opponent.
  • Spill the Tea: Heals the caster and all allies in the vicinity.
  • Épaulement: A more complex ballet move with high impact power.
  • Catwalk Trance: Chitose walks the imaginary catwalk. Her posing can charm opponents into standing idly by, love-struck.
  • Disarming Fragrance: Pulls out a giant bottle of perfume and sprays it on nearby enemies, reducing their attack power.

  • Standard Job

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks HeroLike a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Hero 02

A job familiar from Yakuza 7: Like a Dragon. As a Hero, Ichiban is once again on the move with his hero's bat, which he can quickly swap for better "tools of the trade." Although Hero is somewhat of a secondary basic fighting style, its base values and special techniques are quite respectable. It's a job that will serve you well throughout the entire game.

  • HP: 3/5
  • MP: 3/5
  • Attack: 3/5
  • Defense: 3/5
  • Magic: 3/5
  • Focus: 3/5
  • Speed: 3/5

Characters allowed to take on this job:

  • Ichiban Kasuga
  • Bat Breaker: A powerful swing with a baseball bat, just with a head instead of a ball.
  • Hero’s Wisdom: A support spell that increases the critical rate of all allies.
  • Grand Liner: A batting technique with a decent run-up but not so great effect.
  • Hero’s Flair: Boosts the defense of party members in the vicinity.
  • Hero’s Heal: Heals allies in the vicinity.
  • Mega Swing: Essentially like Bat Breaker, but with significantly more oomph.
  • Hero’s Blessing: Revives an unconscious party member and boosts their charisma.
  • Merciless Melee: Throws the opponent to the ground and follows up with several powerful punches.
Homeless Guy

  • Standard Job

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  • HP: /5
  • MP: /5
  • Attack: /5
  • Defense: /5
  • Magic: /5
  • Focus: /5
  • Speed: /5

Characters allowed to take on this job:

  • Namba

  • Cost: $200
  • Kindness: Level 4

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Housekeeper 01Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Housekeeper 02

The Housekeeper role really packs a punch, though not in terms of dealing physical damage. Rather, this is Chitose's mage class, meaning she sacrifices HP, MP, and defense for high focus and devastating magical damage.

  • HP: 3/5
  • MP: 3/5
  • Attack: 1/5
  • Defense: 3/5
  • Magic: 4/5
  • Focus: 4/5
  • Speed: 3/5

Characters allowed to take on this job:

  • Chitose Fujinomiya
  • Power Wash: Chitose's mop becomes a sort of water cannon in a shotgun style. Cleans the enemy thoroughly and painfully.
  • Iron Maiden: Ouch, the enemy gets two red-hot irons to the face.
  • Leave no Streaks: Thorough scrubbing of an enemy; those nearby also get mercilessly scrubbed. Causes high damage to the one directly cleaned.
  • Bubble Breach: The mop turns into a whack-a-mole hammer, creating a bubble whirlwind with a sweeping attack. Very high damage potential.

  • Cost: $1600
  • Intellect: Level 5

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Kunoichi 01Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Kunoichi 02

The Kunoichi, or female ninja (also described in-game as She-nobi), boasts many MP and maximum agility. If Chitose needs to be even faster than she already is, then this job is just right for her. Unfortunately, a She-nobi doesn't take many hits or particularly hard ones well. Caution is therefore advised.

  • HP: 2/5
  • MP: 4/5
  • Attack: 3/5
  • Defense: 2/5
  • Magic: 3/5
  • Focus: 2/5
  • Speed: 5/5

Characters allowed to take on this job:

  • Chitose Fujinomiya


  • Winged Kunai: Throws a short sword with a chance to boost one's own agility.
  • Flicker of Light: Launches an enemy into the air and follows up with a barrage of rapid sword strikes. If the quick-time event is successful, the number of strikes increases.
  • Thousand Stings Jutsu: Summons a magical hornet swarm with a chance to paralyze an enemy. Moderate damage.
  • Deluge of Stars: Throws carpets of shurikens, causing very high damage. Has a chance to boost one's own agility.

  • Cost: $1600
  • Confidence: Level 5

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Linebacker 01Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Linebacker 02

With its maximum defense value, the Linebacker essentially has tank qualities, except that they can't draw attacks to themselves. Thanks to many HP, the football player stands like a rock in the surf, making him a good safeguard for Ichiban in battles against particularly tough opponents. Because if he, as the main character, goes K.O., the fight is immediately lost.

  • HP: 4/5
  • MP: 3/5
  • Attack: 2/5
  • Defense: 5/5
  • Magic: 1/5
  • Focus: 3/5
  • Speed: 4/5

Characters allowed to take on this job:

  • Ichiban Kasuga
  • Kazuma Kiryu
  • Eric Tomizawa
  • Pancaker: Lifts the opponent high and throws them head-first to the ground.
  • Flagrant Headbutt: A hefty headbutt from a jump. Has a chance to enrage all enemies, causing them to act tactically unwise.
  • Pistol Formation: Throws a football so hard that all opponents in the line of throw take significant damage and may be knocked down.
  • Cooler Shower: Restores HP and significantly increases the defense value.
  • Merciless Melee: Throws the opponent to the ground and follows up with several massive punches.

  • Cost: $200
  • Passion: Level 3

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks PyrodancerLike a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Pyrodancer 02

The Pyrodancer is all about fire (including barbecuing), of course. Behind the silly native look lies one of the most powerful classes in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. It actually deals even more damage than the Action Star class, but has the lowest defense rating.

  • HP: 4/5
  • MP: 4/5
  • Attack: 5/5
  • Defense: 1/5
  • Magic: 3/5
  • Focus: 1/5
  • Speed: 3/5

Characters allowed to take on this job:

  • Ichiban Kasuga
  • Kazuma Kiryu
  • Eric Tomizawa
  • Fire Spinning: Whirls a two-sided flaming combat staff, injuring all enemies in the attack line. This attack alone is remarkably strong.
  • Ancient Panacea: Removes status effects from party members in the vicinity and makes them more resistant to them.
  • Bewitching Haze: Smoke attack that deals significant damage to all nearby enemies and has a chance to blind them.
  • Soul Capture: Deals enormous damage to an enemy by absorbing their HP.
  • Merciless Melee: Throws the enemy to the ground and follows up with several massive punches.

  • Cost: $1600
  • Confidence: Level 5

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Samurai 01Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Samurai 02

The Samurai is the most powerful damage dealer in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, boasting high defense as well. However, it slightly lacks in HP, speed, focus, and of course, magic. Nevertheless, when facing a particularly tough boss, this job is clearly the first choice.

  • HP: 3/5
  • MP: 3/5
  • Attack: 5/5
  • Defense: 4/5
  • Magic: 2/5
  • Focus: 2/5
  • Speed: 2/5

Characters allowed to take on this job:

  • Ichiban Kasuga
  • Kazuma Kiryu
  • Eric Tomizawa
  • Shadow Slash: A rapid sequence of five sword strikes, dealing very high damage. Damage increases further if the adversary is bleeding.
  • Dreaming Arrow: Arrow shot with a bow. After a successful quick-time event, the arrow deals enormous damage to the enemy.
  • Wind of Iaido: A single, powerful sword thrust. Deals damage to an entire enemy line and can cause bleeding.
  • Burning Arrow: One of the strongest attacks in the game. This burning arrow deals great damage to all enemies in the vicinity. A direct hit after a successful quick-time event is almost always fatal to regular enemies of similar level.
  • Merciless Melee: Throws the enemy to the ground and follows up with several massive punches.
Tennis Ace

  • Cost: $1600
  • Charisma: Level 5

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Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Tennis Ace 01Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth All jobs and Special Attacks Tennis Ace 02

As a Tennis Ace, Chitose becomes a kind of damage dealer, though not to the extent of, say, Ichiban as a Samurai. With high HP and speed, this is surely one of the most effective jobs Chitose can take on. However, depending on the party composition, the very low magic rating (1) should be taken into account.

  • HP: 4/5
  • MP: 3/5
  • Attack: 4/5
  • Defense: 3/5
  • Magic: 1/5
  • Focus: 3/5
  • Speed: 4/5

Characters allowed to take on this job:

  • Chitose Fujinomiya
  • Spirited Serve: Serves an ace, at least after a successful quick-time event.
  • Lover’s Lob: Hits a lob to the opponent, risking temporary incapacitation. Their defense rating may also decrease.
  • Thunder Slice: Combines a slice with lightning damage, drastically reducing the HP of a row of enemies.
  • Speedy Super Service: The meanest serve of all is guaranteed to hit. It also ignores Guard, i.e., the defensive stance.

If you have any questions or comments about this guide, feel free to leave us a comment or send us a message through social media and Discord (via Linktr.ee) using the provided link.

We’ve also recorded a video showcasing the dating mechanics of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth in action. You can check it out below. The Miss Match app appears starting at the 50:35 timestamp.


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Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is available from January 25, 2023, for PC (Steam), Playstation 5/4, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One. The price for Sega's action RPG is 70 euros across all platforms, with a total of 19 DLCs being offered. These include not only cosmetic items but also those that provide in-game minor advantages to purchasers.

Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
After graduating from high school, I initially wanted to study instrumental music. However, eventually I pursued a career as a video game journalist, which I started at the prestigious Ehapa-Verlag publisher, among others. Today, I share my extensive video game expertise with Guided. I benefit from over 40 years of experience with PC and console games, as well as my work in game development for the indie studio Knights of Bytes. I understand how video games work, and I also know how to convey my knowledge in an understandable manner.
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