New World: Easter Event 2023 Rabbit’s Revenge and Rewards

Published: Apr. 13, 2023
Updated: Apr. 19, 2023


Easter is one of the year’s biggest holidays. It can be easily compared with Christmas and New Year, probably the most widely-celebrated holidays in video games. Some gamers love Easter more than Christmas because of the interesting in-game events, such as the New World Easter event 2023 Rabbit’s Revenge.

In this guide: learn about New World Easter event 2023 Rabbit’s Revenge. We will discuss changes compared to the previous year, rewards, and give you valuable advice to get the most benefits from Rabbit’s Revenge.

What is New World Easter Event 2023?

Like last year, Easter Event 2023 is Rabbit’s Revenge. It is the first of the three events that will take place during season one. The Easter Event 2023 will bring the plague of rabbits to the game. The main goal for each player is to kill as many rabbits as possible and earn rare rewards for it.

Even though progress is tracked individually, feel free to invite friends and enjoy Rabbit’s Revenge together. It will significantly diversify the gameplay and make the event much more enjoyable.

Compared to the previous year, developers significantly improved the Easter Event. They made rewards less random, allowing every player to claim all the valuable prizes. Players won’t be stuck in the same place this year, killing thousands of rabbits.

Read more: New World Season 1: “Biggest new feature is the Season Pass,” Says Amazon

How Long Does the New World Easter Event Last?

Rabbit’s Revenge event will last from April 12th to April 25th. While some players might think that such a short period is insufficient to claim all the rewards, developers significantly increased the chances of getting loot from the Easter Event.

Moreover, some rewards are guaranteed to you by killing a specific number of Rabbits. Be sure 14 days is enough to enjoy the event and claim all the valuable rewards below.

New World: Easter Event 2023 Rewards

The rewards are the most exciting part of any in-game event. Easter Events were always known as the most beneficial ones. This year's New World event is not an exception. Check the list below and learn all the rewards from the Rabbit’s Revenge event:

  • Diamond Gypsum
  • Defiled Rabbit’s Foot
  • Corrupted Rabbit Mask
  • Defiled Storage Chest of the Hare

While the Corrupted Rabbit Mask and Defiled Storage Chest of the Hare are cosmetic items that can be obtained only once per event, the Diamond Gypsum and Defiled Rabbit’s Foot can be obtained in massive amounts.

The daily limitation for Diamond Gypsum is six, while Defiled Rabbit’s Food has a limitation of five units per day. So, if you want the most benefits from the Easter Event, play the game a lot.

Also, a good idea is to store Diamond Gypsum and Defiled Rabbit’s Foot on your account for a few months. Once it gets closer to winter, these items will become more popular and less widespread. You will be able to make money on them more easily.

That’s it with the New World Easter Event 2023. Even though developers added Rabbit’s Revenge again, they significantly improved rewards and the event itself. Be sure it is a perfect way to spend time in the game and earn valuable rewards. Before you go, check out our guide on how to find glyphs in Brimstone Sands in New World.

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Artur is our English-speaking writer from Ukraine who covers many topics in the gaming field. From indies to triple-A blockbusters, he is a gamer through and through. He has been supporting our team as a freelancer since the beginning of 2023.
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