New World Season 1: "Biggest new feature is the Season Pass," Says Amazon

Published: Apr. 05, 2023
Updated: Apr. 05, 2023

German English

After the first season of the MMO New World was postponed indefinitely, Amazon now provides a preview of new content. According to a video preview, the biggest new feature is a Season Pass; we classify it and highlight the smaller innovations.

Fellowship & Fire with Season Pass: Originally, Fellowship & Fire, the first season of New World, was supposed to be released on March 28. But then problems got in the way of the development team, and the launch date even had to be postponed indefinitely. Amazon, meanwhile, is trying to shorten the wait with previews of Fellowship & Fire, with one particular video preview being particularly revealing.

We're talking about the promotional video "redbyrd New World Season 1," which Amazon recently published on its YouTube channel "Play New World." In it, influencer "redbyrd" shares on behalf of the company:

"The biggest new feature coming to New World with Seasons is the Season Pass."

This is available in both a free and a premium version. The cost? redbyrd does not comment on this; for him, the focus is on the rewards for completing the pass.

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New World: Season Pass Allures With Rewards

Instead of adjusting set screws like the mediocre story or the monotonous quests of the mid-game, Amazon now presents the players with the bill for their own inability; more or less. After all, there will be a free Season Pass, the only question is how attractive the corresponding reward track will be. Because the paid Season Pass will have its own reward track, and it will undoubtedly offer more than its free counterpart.

Titles, emotes, skins, equipment, seasonal loot: all of these are to be included in the said reward tracks and thus support the turnaround at New World. Amazon has also laid out some concrete bait. For example, the Season Pass is supposed to offer the following rewards, among others:

  • 5 seasonal armor skins
  • Seasonal armor set (5 pieces)
  • 9 seasonal weapon skins
  • 6 seasonal tool skins
  • Seasonal emoticon
  • Camp skin

Additionally, the publisher promises that players will be able to "earn large amounts of seasonal XP through travel tasks and challenges and activity card stamps." Smaller amounts of seasonal XP can be grabbed in a total of 13 ways, including PvP arenas, expedition bosses, and of course regular quests.

New World Season 1: Neue Story The Silver Crows

Will be introduced with Season 1: The Silver Crows seasonal story.

New Seasonal Story & Expedition

In addition to balancing tweaks in the areas of magic, PvP weapons, and PvE ranged weapons, Fellowship & Fire is also expected to introduce new story content. Amazon first names "The Silver Crows" here, a story where players join Grace O'Malley and assemble an elite team of mercenaries. The focus is apparently on the first client's mission to stop the ambitions of a powerful warlock as well as the Varangian horde. Amazon doesn't reveal exactly what those ambitions are.

Empyrean Forge is also a new level 60+ expedition set in the Great Rift. This involves "pursuing the commanders of Sir Loth to stop the flow of elemental magic deep within an ancient forge." Furthermore, a new main story questline (Brightwood and Weaver's Fen) and "Level 40 Weapon and Armor Quests 2.0" have been promised.

New World Season 1: Alle Inhalte

There will also be a new expedition for characters over level 60: Empyrean Forge.

Server downtime for Season 1 "Fellowship & Fire" will begin in all regions on April 4, 2023 at 5AM PT (12PM UTC, 2PM CET). The expected downtime is expected to be two hours.


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After graduating from high school, I initially wanted to study instrumental music. However, eventually I pursued a career as a video game journalist, which I started at the prestigious Ehapa-Verlag publisher, among others. Today, I share my extensive video game expertise with Guided. I benefit from over 40 years of experience with PC and console games, as well as my work in game development for the indie studio Knights of Bytes. I understand how video games work, and I also know how to convey my knowledge in an understandable manner.
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