New World: How to Unlock Lion Mount

Published: Oct. 09, 2023
Updated: Oct. 09, 2023


In the new Rise of the Angry Earth expansion to New World, after getting Wolf in the Mount questline, you will have the opportunity to unlock even better Mounts. In this guide, we will show you how to unlock Lion Mount in New World.

When we tried the new World expansion, we concluded that Mounts are one of the best features that came with the add-on. We have completed the entire Mounts questline, and have obtained the last of the Mounts - Lion. So, follow our guide to learn how to make Lion your main Mount.

New World: How to Get Lion Mount

New World: Lion Mount

To unlock Lion Mount in New World, you must complete the Mount quest until you reach an NPC named Valencia Iznov. This can be quite challenging and time-consuming as you will need to complete numerous races, but once you do, your final location should be near the lake in Great Cleave. When you follow the quest and find yourself in the correct area, you will need to do the following steps:

  • In general, getting Lion Mount is very similar to getting Wolf. You will also need to complete various races, however, once you follow the quest and then accept and win the first set of 4 races from Valencia Iznov, things will get a bit more challenging.
  • You will then have to complete 5 races from Satiah Ramotep, and they will be much more difficult than the ones you have completed before. For example, one of them will run from Brimstone Sands to Reekwater, and you will have only 20 minutes to complete it. So, in case you face some difficulties with these races, we recommend you to level up your Riding skill.
  • After you complete and score these 5 races, Satiah will direct you to a lion NPC named Zinnumun. He will give you a quest in which you will need to free another lion that is locked in a cage. To do so, you'll need to follow the quest markers to an area where you'll need to go up a mountain. When you will be approaching your destination, you will need to cross a bridge, and you will see the cage you were looking for. Interact with it to free the lion, and then return to Zinnumun. When you check out on the quest, you'll be rewarded with lots of Riding XP and the highly desired Lion Mount.

By the way, while you're still here, feel free to take a look at our tier list of all weapons from New World. Good luck!

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Artur is our English-speaking writer from Ukraine who covers many topics in the gaming field. From indies to triple-A blockbusters, he is a gamer through and through. He has been supporting our team as a freelancer since the beginning of 2023.
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