Nightingale: How to get Tin Ore

Published: Feb. 21, 2024
Updated: Apr. 18, 2024

German English

In Nightingale, you can start crafting numerous items and mining resources right from the tutorial. We'll show you how to quickly craft a miner's pickaxe and where to find tin ore.

In this guide, you will learn:

  • To mine ores such as tin or quartz, you need a Simple Mining Pick.
  • Tin Ore is very easy to find, because it is almost everywhere.

Craft a Simple Mining Pick

Simple ores such as tin or quartz are the first of many resources that you can mine in Nightingale. But before you can even think about mining tin ore, you first require a Simple Mining Pick.

This requires a few simple production workshops. You should build these as quickly as possible, as you can not only use them to produce the Mining Pick, but also other useful tools, such as a Simple Wood Axe or a Simple Fishing Rod. To craft these items, proceed as follows:

  1. Build a small roofed base, such as a Stick Tent (12x Sticks, 6x Plant Fiber).
  2. Build a Simple Workbench (10x Wood Bundles, 4x Plant Fiber).
  3. Build a Simple Tanning Station (6x Sticks, 10x Plant Fiber).
  4. Craft 2x Straps from 1x Fur each at the tanning station.
  5. Craft the Simple Mining Pick at your workbench (1x Stone Block, 1x Wood Bundle, 1x Strap).
simple mining pick

You need a Simple Mining Pick to mine Tin Ore.

Where to find Tin Ore in Nightingale

Fortunately, tin ore is not difficult to find in Nightingale. Although it is almost impossible to give an exact location, as your world is most likely structured differently to ours, Tin Ore can often be found near large rock deposits.

We set up our first camp right next to the Essence Trader and didn't have to waste much time searching. We found the black Tin Ore right by the second or third large rock next to our respite (see screenshots).

As soon as you have found Tin Ore, you can mine it with your Simple Mining Pick. But don't forget to pick it up too. Another tip: Don't hold down the left mouse button while mining, but keep clicking in quick succession. This will help you mine the Tin Ore a little faster. This also applies to all other resources, such as wood.

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Markus has been part of our team since June 2022 and writes about many topics as a dedicated gamer. But he is especially fond of Path of Exile and other ARPGs.
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