In the survival game Raft, you can find a machete, which is hidden behind a tricky puzzle relatively late in the game. Now we'll show you where to find the weapon and how to craft it.
What is it about? The machete in the survival game Raft is one of the first really strong melee weapons you can find. You can strike 40 times with it and do 15 damage. You'll get the weapon almost automatically as long as you follow the campaign. However, you'll have to take on a dangerous boss opponent. But you're on to find the weapon -- so go for it!
You have to find this island: In order for you to get to the weapon, you must have discovered Balboa Island. This is the third major island you'll visit if you follow the main story. Balboa Island is based on a national park and is relatively large, especially you'll find here:
Balboa Island is thus especially good for replenishing your supply of boards, food and water. But the main attraction remains the machete you can find here.
Where is the machete? Once you have arrived at Balboa Island, you have to find the cave of the boss opponent Mamabär. But beware of Momma Bear. She is strong and dangerous, and you should not face her in battle. Instead, you need to distract Momma Bear. So before you head to the bear's cave, you should take 5x berries with you.
In front of the cave you will find a feeding trough where you can place the berries. Momma bear will rush out of the cave and eat the free food. In this time span of a little more than a minute, you can enter the cave. Once you reach the end, you will find the blueprint for the machete in Raft, danabene you can loot a small toolbox. In the box you will find crafting materials and an already crafted machete.
How to craft the machete: To craft the machete in Raft, you need the following materials and raw materials:
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