Sons of The Forest: All Weapons and Where to Find Them

Published: Feb. 23, 2024
Updated: Sep. 30, 2024

German English

In Sons of The Forest, there are a total of around 40 weapons and tools, and we show you all the weapons available at the time of the 1.0 full-release version in this post. In addition, we will tell you where you can find all the weapons.

All Weapons in Sons of The Forest (2024)



Where to Find

West in the cave in the lake area, below the waterfall.

Cave on the northern beach

In front of the cave entrance in the west of the mountains.

Cave next to the mountain (west)

You need Breather and Ropegun

Exclamation mark (GPS signal) furthest to the northwest of the map. at the wooden cross.

Schaufel benötigt

Green POI in the northeast of the map.

Shovel needed

Bunker at the big lake in the southeast of the map. In a corpse on the sofa.

Opt. Golf Course.

Plane Axe

Already owned from the start

Survival Raft in the Ocean

Found in a Camping Site western of the mountain.

Eastern end of the northern beach.

Second level in the bunker at the large lake in the southeast of the map. On a sword holder.

Cave between large lake and mountains.

In a cave east of the lake area

Handcrafted Club

Can be crafted

Handcrafted Bow

Can be crafted

Cave/bunker in the central west (green POI)

Maintenance Key Card needed

Firefighter Axe

Green POI northwest of the mountain: „Maintenance A" Bunker

Shovel needed

Green POI (VIP bunker) in the bay in the northwest of the map.

Maintenance Keycard needed

Buried in the cannibal camp in the southwest of the map

Shovel needed

Maintenance Key Card needed

Cave/bunker in the central west (green POI)

The Best Weapons for Starting the Game

As you can surely discover in the list above, many weapons are hidden right at the start of a new round in unreachable caves or bunkers. Therefore, you must first focus on basic armaments, which you can also find on the surface world. The best of these weapons are the following:

  • Modern Axe
  • Stun Baton
  • Pistol
  • Handmade Bow
  • Machete

You can find all these weapons either in the forest or make them yourself. You can look up the locations of these weapons directly in the list above.

The Most Important Questions About Weapons in Sons of The Forest Answered

1. How do you switch weapons in SOTF?

You can switch the weapon either through your inventory (I) or through the quick selection bar. You also equip this in the inventory by placing your mouse over the desired weapon and then pressing a key from 1 to 6. Here you can also place a torch or similar.

sotf quickslots
Here you see how to use the quick slot bar.

2. How can I improve weapons?

There are three different ways to improve your weapons or to inflict more damage with them. For one, you can build fire, explosive, or shock arrows for the handmade bow and the compound bow.

On the other hand, you can improve firearms with various attachments:

  • Rail: The rail allows you to screw attachments onto your firearm.
  • Laser: The laser sight is a laser pointer that should make aiming easier for you.
  • Flashlight: With the help of the flashlight, you can also fight against your enemies in caves or the darkness of the night. If the flashlight is attached, you cannot use a laser.
  • Suppressor: There is a suppressor for the pistol, which greatly reduces the volume and thus attracts fewer enemies.

The third and last variant to improve your weapons works with the ore Solafite: You have to mine this ore with the pickaxe in certain caves and then melt it in a furnace. Add a weapon and it will be gilded. But be careful: Demons and mutants spawn during the improvement process.

Author's tip: Only improve melee weapons with the Solafite furnace! Unfortunately, the damage of firearms is not improved by the Solafite. You can learn more about the topic in the detailed guide to weapon upgrades with Solafite.

Furnace in Sons of The Forest
This is the furnace in Sons of The Forest.

3. Will more weapons be added to Sons of The Forest in the future?

The developers of Sons of The Forest are planning further new content after the full release and Update 16 (released on February 22, 2024). The team from Endnight Games has not explicitly confirmed that weapons will be part of these patches, but we from Guided would not rule it out.

That's it: Now you know all the weapons in Sons of The Forest as well as the answers to many more questions. If you still have any questions or comments, then write us a comment or contact the author directly via Community Discord!

Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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