
Starfield: All Cheats and Item-IDs

Published: Aug. 31, 2023
Updated: Sep. 01, 2023

German English

When you play Starfield on the PC, you can activate cheats via the command console. We'll tell you all the available cheats, Item-IDs and how to use them.

Here's the deal: As usual in any Bethesda game, Starfield lets you use cheats from the command console right from the start. From god mode to setting the player level, there's a lot involved.

How to Open the Command Console in Starfield

  • On a keyboard with US layout, the “~” key is your gateway to the command console.
  • On a keyboard with EU layout you open the command console with the “^” or “ö” key.

If everything works, the command console appears, and you can type your commands in the lower-left corner. The command console can be closed by pressing the open button again.

All Cheats & Console Commands in Starfield

Caution: Using cheats will disable achievements! Remember to create a manual save game before activating and reload it afterwards if you want to continue collecting achievements.

To enable cheats, enter the following commands in the console. Repeat the command to turn the cheat off again.

  • tgm: Godmode (infinite ammo, health, oxygen).
  • tai: Turn off AI processing for all.
  • tcai: Turn off combat AI of NPCs (enemies won't attack you).
  • tcl: Turn off collisions (allows flying through all surfaces).
  • tfc: Enable free camera (free flying around with camera view).
  • killall: Kill all enemy NPCs in the area.
  • player.setlevel 100: Set player level to 100.
  • showlooksmenu player 1: Opens the character editor.
  • unlock: Opens locked doors and boxes. You have to try to open the lock manually before.
  • kah: Defeats all NPCs in the area.
  • psb: Unlocks all powers.
  • tim: You can't die anymore, but you still take damage.
  • player.additem 0000000F #1000000: Add 100 million credits, change the number at the end to get the desired number of credits.

List of all Important Item IDs in Starfield

Like the cheat for the credits, you can use the command “player.additem Item-ID #Number of items” to spawn into your inventory. Below is a list of all the essential item IDs for you. Again, be warned that using this cheat will disable all your achievements.

Item ID Item
0000000F Credits
0000000A Digipicks
000547A3 Breach (Weapon)
0002EB45 MagSniper (Weapon)
0026D963 Big Bang (Weapon)
0026D960 Shotty (Weapon)
0026D964 Auto-Rivet (Weapon)
0002CB5F Regulator (Weapon)
0002EB42 Magshot (Weapon)
0026D96A Bridger (Weapon)
00000FD6 Razorback (Weapon)
0026D96B Coachman (Weapon)
00023606 Magpulse (Weapon)
0026D96D Urban Eagle (Weapon)
0026D95D Sidestar (Weapon)
00065925 Incendiary Experimental Nishina (Spacesuit)
0007B2B9 Sentinel's UC Antixeno (Spacesuit)
0022B8F6 Repulsing Explorer (Spacesuit)
0013F97D Peacemaker (Spacesuit)
00225FC9 Monsterkostüm (Spacesuit)
001F22BC Gran-Gran's (Spacesuit)
00065926 Reactive Experimental Nishina (Helmet)
0010A25E Incendiary UC AntiXeno (Helmet)
0013F97B Peacemaker (Helmet)
0001754F Mark I (Helmet)
001F22BC Gran-Gran's (Helmet)
0010A25D Armor-Plated UC AntiXeno (Boost Pack)
0001754E Mark 1 (Boost Pack)
0021A86C UC Shock Power (Boost Pack)

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Sascha Asendorf is the co-founder of Guided.news and has been running online magazines in the gaming sector since 2013. Starting with a strong focus on survival games, Sascha now deals a lot with role-playing games and is an expert on survival and RPG titles like Conan Exiles, Baldurs Gate 3 & Cyberpunk 2077.
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