A new Artifact rarity for items has been added to the game. These items have unique perks that can be unlocked by completing quests. They can have 6 perks, which is even more than legendary items. And next, we are going to show you how to get the Abyss Artifact and the best build for it in New World.
Our experience showed us that for PvE, Abyss has too little damage per target. But in PvP, it is an extremely good weapon with which you will dominate your opponents with the right build.
The Abyss is a unique weapon in terms of obtaining it. While most artifact weapons are available in the PvP reward path or drop from bosses, the Abyss can only be obtained from Corrupted Portals events. To achieve this, you will need to find a group and make sure that Corrupted Portals is at least level 65. What’s good is that we managed to get the Abyss after several portals, so it has a pretty good drop rate. Also, unlocking perks for these weapons is quite easy. For three of them, you just need to kill 50 Corrupted in three different locations.
We recommend using Burst the Abyss, which becomes stronger due to intelligence and basic Ice Gauntlet. Artifact Great Axe can have an additional perk, but instead, it is better to have an extra gem slot, for example, Runeglass of Abyssal Opal. For Ice Gauntlet, Runeglass of Electrified is a good choice. Here are also perks that are worth using:
And here are the perks for the Abyss:
And before you go, check out our guide on how to get the Odo Flail in New World.
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