In the popular multiplayer survival game Unturned, vehicles occasionally need repairs. Alex, our expert on this blocky DayZ-like game, explains how it's done.
In this guide, you'll learn:
The survival hit Unturned takes inspiration from the genre giant DayZ, but uses a blocky aesthetic. Consequently, in this creation by Smartly Dressed Games, vehicles have a limited lifespan as wild zombie hordes frequently render the player's vehicles inoperable.
When a vehicle is damaged, a thorough repair is necessary, but newcomers to Unturned often don't know how to fix a car. This was once also a challenge for our expert Alex, who has been loyal to the game since 2017. Anyway, by now, he certainly knows the answer: cars are repaired using a blowtorch (also known as a welding torch).
For blowtorches, which can also be used as melee weapons (they inflict slightly more damage than fists), the following details apply:
To get a visual idea of this helpful tool, you can refer to the image below. With its "Uncommon" rarity, it's clear that the blowtorch isn't easily found everywhere in the open world.
Fortunately, there's a straightforward answer to where you can find blowtorches in Unturned. They are always available in:
You can see an example of a mechanic in the image below. Simply go inside and keep an eye out for the repair tool, which is usually openly placed among the workshop's inventory.
Once you've acquired a blowtorch, open your inventory and equip the item. Then, stand in front of the damaged vehicle and press the action key. Your character will then hold the blowtorch over the car and begin the repair process.
Is Unturned from Roblox? No, but Nelson Sexton (alias DeadzoneZackZak), the developer of Unturned, is indeed a former Roblox developer who first used the platform for game development in 2013. His game at the time, Deadzone, was similar to Unturned and was seen by parts of the Roblox community as a clone of the genre companion Apocalypse Rising. |
When is the repair finished? In the screenshot above, you can see an ongoing repair. Pay attention to the lower left end of the "hood", where a dark crosshair is located. This indicates that the work is not yet complete. Once the crosshair disappears, your vehicle is back in top condition.
The same method applies to repairing the previously mentioned planes, boats, and barricades. Anyway, if you have any questions, feel free to use the comment section below the article.
Unturned has been available since July 7, 2017, for PC (Steam), Linux, macOS, PlayStation 5/4, Xbox Series X/S/One, and GeForce Now, following a three-year Early Access phase. The game uses a free-to-play model.
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