
Diablo 4: Release Date and Lots of Infos

Published: Jan. 17, 2024
Updated: Jan. 18, 2024

German English

Blizzard has unveiled its trailer for the upcoming third season of Diablo 4, Season of the Construct. In addition to new content, there will also be some quality-of-life improvements.

In this article, you will learn:

  • The release date of Season 3.
  • What content the new season will bring.
  • Which quality-of-life improvements Blizzard is introducing with Season 3.

Diablo 4: Season 3 Starts at the End of January

The release of the new season is not far away. You can already play the season of the construct on January 23 of this year at 10 a.m. PST.


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In order to play Season 3, you must create a new character in the season's realm and have completed the story campaign. A function to skip the campaign is available to you after completing the prologue.

The new Content of the Season of the Construct

In Season 3, the demonic constructs of Malphas have taken control of the “Loom” and are using it to terrorize everyone and everything. The Loom is a powerful technology that was invented a long time ago by Ayuzhan and Zoltun Kull in Caldeum. It will be your task, together with Ayuzhan, to stop the armies of constructs.

In addition to the new story, the third season of Diablo 4 also introduces a lot of new content, including new monster types and dungeons:

  • Arcane Tremors: This new Encounter is set to occur all across Sanctuary. You will have to fight hordes of constructs. At the end of each encounter is a boss construct.
  • Malpha Boss Fight: New boss fight.
  • WASD controls: In Season 3, you can choose whether you want to continue to control the game with the mouse or use WASD.
  • Skill preview: In the new Respec Mode, you can edit your skill tree to plan builds, whithout consuming skill points.
  • Seneschal Construct: This is a new companion which you can scale in different directions using the new magical Governing and Tuning Stones.
  • Governing and Tuning Stones: New resource, which you can equip your new companion with. Your companion can be equipped with a maximum of two Governing Stones and six Tuning Stones. A Governing Stone determines which attacks the seneschal construct is capable of. You can further customize these attacks with a Tuning Stone. You can obtain the stones by completing vaults and in the chests they contain. Furthermore, you can also create new Governing and Tuning Stones yourself by handing in the new resource “Shattered Stone” to the Jewelers. These “Shattered Stone” can be obtained from defeated constructs.
Diablo 4 Seneschall Contruct

The Seneschall Construct is a new companion in Season 3.

You can find a complete list of all Governing and Tuning Stones on the Blizzard website in the official Season 3 announcement post.

New Rewards for Battle Pass and Season Journey

You can earn additional rewards, such as legendary aspects, via the seasonal journey in the Battle Pass. Another powerful reward that you can get via the Seasonal Journey are the three Scrolls of Amnesia. With these items, you can reset both your skill tree and your paragon board.

We will find out what else the new season of Diablo 4 has in store for us in the next Campfire Chat on January 18, 2024 at 9 a.m. PST. There, the developers will once again talk about the upcoming season in a livestream and answer questions. One day later, on January 19, the final patch notes will be released.

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Markus has been part of our Guided.news team since June 2022 and writes about many topics as a dedicated gamer. But he is especially fond of Path of Exile and other ARPGs.
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