Das neue Update 0.6.0 für Dead Matter ist erschienen. Das bringt ein völlig neues Medizinsystem und weitere coole Änderungen. Wir haben die Patchnotes für dich!
Endlich ein Update: Es hat einige Monate gedauert, bis ein neues Update erschienen ist. Mit dem 0.6.0 Update von Dead Matter bekommst du ein völlig neues Medical und Kampf-System. Wir haben die wichtigsten Neuerungen für dich ausgeführt.
Dead Matter Update 0.6.0: Das steckt im großen Patch
Warum die Pause? Bevor wir auf die eigentlichen Patchnotes eingehen, sollten wir erklären, warum ein neues Update so lange auf sich hat warten lassen. Der Grund dafür ist recht simpel. Das Entwicklerteam ist in den vergangenen Monaten nicht nur umgezogen, sondern musste das gesamte Medizinsystem erneuern.
1. Medizinsystem
Neue Icons: Die wohl sichtbarste Änderung dürften die neuen Symbole sein, die deinen körperlichen Status wiederspiegeln. Diese werden allerdings nur dann angezeigt, wenn sie sich verändern, du also Blut verlierst oder etwas isst. Die fünf neuen Symbole sind wie folgt sortiert:
Ausdauer (Mitte unten)
Mehr Ausdauer: Auch neu ist das System von zwei verschiedenen Ausdauerarten. Zum einen hast du jetzt die Kampfausdauer, die sich beim Nahkampf oder Schubsen von Zombies leert. Auf der anderen Seite gibt es die normale Laufausdauer. Diese leert sich nur dann, wenn du springst oder sprintest.
In Nahkämpfen musst du daher jetzt besonders vorsichtig agieren. Treffer, die du einsteckst, verlangsamen dich für einen kurzen Augenblick. Selbiges gilt aber auch für deine Gegner.
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So heilst du dich: Ein neues Medizinsystem erfordert auch eine neue Methode zur Heilung. Ursprünglich hast du deine Medizinkoffer ähnlich wie in Escape From Tarkov per Drag and Drop auf die verwundete Extremität gezogen.
Jetzt kannst du bei Medipacks und Traumakits aber per Rechtsklick ein Drop-down-Menü öffnen, dass die angeschlagenen Gliedmaßen direkt anzeigt. So kannst du dich weitaus schneller heilen als noch in der Dead Matter Version zuvor.
Außerdem setzen sich deine Lebenspunkte jetzt durch die einzelnen HP deiner Arme, Beine, Torso und Kopf zusammen.
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Keine Attribute mehr: Für viele Spieler war es schlichtweg zu unfair, mit welchen Attributen sie gestartet sind. Einige Berufe hatten größere Vorteile, wie der Start mit einer Schuss- oder Schlagwaffe. Wer ein Mechaniker sein wollte und seine Base zum Hochsicherheitstrakt umwandeln wollte, schaute zu Beginn seiner Session in die Röhre.
Mit dem Dead Matter Update 0.6.0 soll sich das ändern. Hier sollen nur noch die Starter-Perks sowie die Progressions-Perks einen Unterschied zwischen den Berufen machen. Somit soll ein besseres Gleichgewicht für alle verfügbaren Klassen geschaffen werden. Die neuen Perks sehen so aus:
Construction Worker: Baut beim Basebuilding sofort Level-2-Strukturen.
Police Officer: Friendly Fire richtet 75 % weniger Schaden an dir an.
Delivery Driver: Erhält einen 20 % Boost auf Fahrzeughandling und Bremskraft.
Emergancy Mecial Technician: Kann von Beginn an bessere medizinische Items herstellen.
Firefighter: Hat eine 25 % höhere maximale Tragekapazität und erhält bei Überladung Schadens- und Geschwindigkeits-Boosts.
Blacksmith: Kann Dietriche und Rüstungs-Reperatursets bauen.
Technician: Kann viele Bauelemente für Basebuilding günstiger herstellen. Außerdem kann nur er von Anfang an Schlösser für Behälter und Türen herstellen.
Unemployed: Diese Klasse hat keinen einzigen Perk, startet also bei 0.
3. Neues Craftingsystem
So geht's: Noch immer können Spieler einige Items mithilfe von Drag-and-drop basteln. Das neue System fügt aber ein Fenster, also ein Craftingmenü ein. Darin kannst du dann alle Rezepte sehen, die deine Berufsklasse herstellen kann. Mit der Zeit vervollständigt sich diese natürlich. Später soll das ganze System dann auch auf Werkbänke und Werkzeuge ausgeweitet werden.
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Bisher waren Rüstungen als rein optisches Schmankal zu verstehen. Mit dem kommenden Update sollen diese aber einen Zweck erfüllen. Dabei halten sie je nach Stufe unterschiedlich viel Schaden ab.
Football-Pads: -15 % Schaden
Heavy Armor: -65 % Schaden
Hierbei kommt es allerdings auch auf die Haltbarkeit an. Je höher diese ist, desto länger hält dich die Weste oder der Helm sicher.
Weitere Änderungen & Patchnotes von Dead Matter Update 0.6.0
New database system
New zombies, zombie spawning algorithms
Add message in case /spawnvehicle failed
Optimized soundscape performance
Food Changes
Food now has portions, instead of eating half you will simply eat a single portion instead.
Protein now heals a small amount of HP.
Carbs and Sugars now restore a small amount of Stamina.
Soda, Coffee and Energy Drinks now restore a small amount of Stamina.
Weather effect & fog tweaks
Greatly reduced chat filter aggression
Main menu has new sky
Replace /removezombies, /removeanimals with /removeai
Random character names should show up much faster
Vehicle handling tweaks
Upgrade to Unreal Engine 4.26
Disable car doors detaching for now
Updated claim build menu to match the rest of the UI
Settings menu updates
VOIP optimizations
First person swimming animations have been added, as well as the inability to have a held item out while doing so.
Added the /request [message] command (or /// ) that allows you to send a message out to server admins.
Lights and light switches now save their states to the database (broken lights, and flicked switches).
Elevators will also save their last position to the database.
While not visible for this patch, quest items and quest containers have been added, allowing for more flexibility and freedom for the quests we'll make in the future.
Something that might be a little more visible is the minigame system rewrite. Lockpicking has been affected by it, and while it remains the same gameplay wise, do report any issues you find with it.
Removed car jacking/hot-wiring. It will be remade and added back in a future update.
Refactored player death to make it cleaner and more flexible for future additions, such as death reasons.
Added the /knockout [Player] [Duration] command which lets you render players unconscious, for admins and higher. You can wake up players with /wake [Player]
Item values for common items have been reduced significantly. This mostly affects barter and food items as they spawned the most.
Weapon and ammo spawns have been reduced significantly
Food and drink spawns have been reduced significantly and separated into tiers. This mostly affects residential locations, at the moment.
Clothing and armor spawns have been reduced and separated into tiers. On top of this, clothing sizes have also been reduced and take up less space.
Backpack spawns have been reduced slightly and separated into tiers
Civ/military crates and weapon boxes will now spawn weapon attachments as loose loot. Weapon attachments are also in their own tiered loot tables.
Guncases no longer spawn explosives. Instead, explosives will spawn in their own unique crates.
The RU and Military Jackets now have larger pockets
Lockpicks will now stack up to 25 instead of 5.
Underground locations have been given sky modifier volumes that allow for pitch black areas. This should help with any "dim" flashlights players were experiencing when exploring these locations
Some food/ingredients will cause loss of hydration when eaten raw. This will receive a larger pass in the future.
Some item previews have been adjusted to look better.
Rags have been renamed to Cloth Scrap and can now be stacked.
Unique crafting items have had their category changed from "Barter" to "Junk" to better differentiate them from barter items.
Some bunker lights have been adjusted to not be as bright
Several more items are now stackable (Ex. cardboard, leaves, etc.)
Like before, sub-inventory items can only store certain items based on which sub-inventory item it is. (Guncase can only store firearm category items, coolers can only store consumable category items, etc.)
Plastic and Metal have been renamed to Plastic Scrap and Metal Scrap. They have also had their inventory size increased (2x2 to 3x3) and have custom models.
You can now search any item with an inventory without the need to equip it or put it in your own inventory
Additional spawn locations for medical loot for use with the new medical system
Police car now has a siren
Starvation and dehydration no longer immediately kill you, instead leaving you in a critical state.
Occupation changes
The old skill system has been removed
Characters are now built around two kinds of perks - occupational, and character-specific
Occupational perks are perks that are built to lean into the specialization a given occupation may have within the game
Character-specific perks are less specialized, and allow you to tailor your character to suit the build you're aiming for.
The Chef, Farmer and Security Guard professions have been temporarily removed until systems to support their gameplay loops are in place.
Repair Man has been renamed to Technician to better reflect their abilities
Doctor has been renamed to EMT to bring them more in line with the game's lore, and also to focus more on their occupation-specific abilities
Construction Worker - they are able to begin building structures at Level 2 without the increased material costs that other occupations need to pay
Police Officer - they now take 75% less damage from friendly fire, allowing them to serve as a tank for players they're in a group with. In the future, they will be given further bonuses. Our intention is for the Police Officer to serve as a group leader for those who with to group up with other players and work together.
New Occupation - Delivery Driver - Gain a 20% boost to vehicle acceleration and braking. Down the line, specialized crafting recipes will also be added for vehicle mods and upgrades.
EMT (Formerly Doctor) - Ability to craft more advanced medical items.
Firefighter - +25% max carry weight, additional damage and attack speed when using melee weapons.
New Occupation - Blacksmith - Gain ability to craft lockpicks and armor repair kits.
Technician (Formerly Repair Man) - Gain ability to craft a variety of items such as locks for containers and doors. Can craft many recipes that are available to everyone with less components or generic components in place of specific components. In the future will be able to craft more technically complex items.
-General rebalance of weapon damage and handling
Dead Matter Update 0.6.0 Fixes
Fixed not being able to shoot while holding shift and not sprinting
Fix exploit where you can modify/drop items while trading to duplicate them
Fix vehicles not starting with handbrake on
Fix hitching caused by items in houses
Fix falling out of world - you now properly get placed back in the world
Fix bunker ladders not always being climbable
Fix some performance problems with the new sky
Fixed some soundscape performance loss
Fix crown vic not letting you look down
Fixed bunker door not having any collision
Fix growable items not always giving you the vegetable
Fix vehicle engine audio not changing pitch
Fix main menu lighting
Fix vehicle headlines eating performance
Fix VOIP mic selection, fix crash when changing VOIP mic
Fix items in a vehicle staying floating in place if the vehicle despawns
Pre-emptively fixed a possible bug with elevators that could occur when they became relevant while moving.
Your legs no longer hit you in the face if you do a 180 while swimming.
Fixed light IES textures not being disabled when a light is off/shot out.
Fixed rotating furniture affecting your lean multiplier.
Fixed recoil viewpunch not accounting for manual recoil compensation (vertically, you no longer will be facing the ground after shooting if you pulled down).
Fixed an issue with the input manager when new inputs were added by us.
The chatbox will now close when unfocused or when ESC is pressed.
The pause menu (escape menu) will now close when escape is pressed.
The teleport, bring and goto commands will stop all movement to avoid taking fall damage.
Fixed issue where texture wasn't applied to water cooler
Fixed several cracks in ground that players could fall through
Fixed various minor terrain issues (grass coming through buildings, rocks floating, etc.)
Fixed an issue where several buildings were missing from the map, thus leaving giant holes in the landscape
Fixed issue where players could no longer progress through Rat's Nest Cave.
Fixed issue where players would fall into ravines inside of Rat's Nest Cave and survive, becoming stuck. You'll now die the moment you fall into a ravine.
Fixed issue where crafting items used in recipes weren't spawning in containers.
Fixed broken containers that didn't even show their inventory. These were from our old container system that's since been deprecated.
Fixed issue where weapon attachments didn't have the "Firearm" category assigned to them, thus making it impossible to store inside of gun cases.
Fixed leather jacket preview mesh, it will no longer show up as the RU Jacket.
Fixed collision on guardrails
Fixed building missing from world
Foliage has seen a number of fixes to make the world more coherent while work continues on the new worldspace.
Weitere Informationen zum kommenden Update 0.6.0 von Dead Matter findest du hier!
Das Interesse, tief in die Spieleindustrie einzutauchen, rührt von der DayZ-Mod für Arma 2 im Jahr 2012 her. Kevin begann 2016 in der Gaming-Branche zu arbeiten. Zunächst als Praktikant bei Survivethis, der damals größten deutschen Survival-Games-Site. Nur ein halbes Jahr später wurde er bei Gamestar und später bei MeinMMO angenommen. Auf Guided.news setzt er nun sein ganzes Wissen ein, um umfassende News, Guides, Interviews und weitere einzigartige Themen zu liefern.