
Hunt Showdown: All Content & Launch from the "Tide of Shadows" Event

Published: Jun. 28, 2023
Updated: Jun. 29, 2023

German English

Hunt Showdown gets a new event with Tide of Shadows and we present the new content, explain the progression, traits, pledge marks and much more.

What's going on? Developer Crytek has announced the new "Tide of Shadows" event for Hunt Showdown with a trailer. With the start of the event, we not only get the new boss Rot-Jaw, which acts in the wild. No, the trailer hides countless new features and tons of new content.

  • All the new content of the event
  • How the progression works
  • All pacts, pledge marks & traits explained
  • Starting Time of the Event

New weapons, hunters and content in the Hunt Showdown event Tide of Shadows

What's new? The announcement trailer for the new event shows us various new content for Hunt Showdown. However, this content is not simply presented, instead, the developers hide it within the trailers -- we don't, we show it to you! Even more, on Twitter Crytek already reveals some new content:

New Boss Rotjaw

We have already reported about this boss in detail. So here comes the short version: the boss Rot-Jaw is a gigantic alligator. Rot-Jaw doesn't wait for you in a classic boss lair. Instead, you'll meet the alligator boss in the wild.


This is the new Boss Rotjaw

New weapons in Tide of Shadows

As soon as the event in Hunt Showdown starts and the update is released, we can look forward to 2 new weapons and a new addition to the crossbow.

  • New weapon: "Drilling" - rifle with three barrels, 2x rifle barrels and 1x shotgun barrel
  • New weapon: LeMat Mk2 Uppermat - medium slot revolver, where fanning is not possible.
  • New ammo: Dragon Breath Bolt for Hand Crossbow

New legendary hunters in Tide of Shadows

According to the event trailer, three new hunters await us in the upcoming update of Hunt Showdown. None of them has a name and we introduce you to the new hunters with their appearance:

  • Fang Shearer - Crocodile Dundee enters the game.
  • Helmsman - wears a captain's uniform and a cage on his head.
  • Gar - Nearly drowned person, clothes decorated with fish bones
  • Cardinal Rain - Indigenous hunter with red war paint.

All the new Hunters in Order from above.

Event-specific mechanics & progression

With the Tide of Shadows event in Hunt Showdown comes, of course, entirely new game mechanics and objectives for the entire community. Among other things, there are now the so-called ship altars that you have to destroy. These take the place of the soul traps from the previous event. Among other things, you have to destroy these altars and or loot them to progress further in the event. However, there are several ways to advance your progression in Tide of Shadows Event:

Activity Event Points
Destroy Ship Altar 2
Loot Ship Altar 4
Investigate Event Clues and Rifts 6
Loot Enemy Hunter 8
Banish Boss Monster 10
Extratct with a Bounty or become Soul Survivor 20
Complete Challenge Milestones 500 - 1000

Effegies totems that give you pact tokens.

In addition, you can see in the trailer that corpses now float on the surface of the water. Up until now, killed players always lay at the bottom of a lake or river, and finding them was extremely tedious. However, with a boss that operates outdoors and in the waters of the bayou, this change makes perfect sense, for example, to revive friends and loot enemies.

All pacts in Tide of Shadows, exclusive traits & burn traits explained.

If you play the current Hunt Showdown event with certain hunters, you will receive a 10% bonus on your accumulated event points. In addition, the corresponding hunters already have 4 Pledge Marks and you cannot earn new ones with them in the game. In this regard, the hunters are divided into three different pacts, each of which includes four hunters:

The Primal Pact:

  • Gar
  • Scaled Ward
  • The Reptilian
  • The Skinned

The Smuggler Pact

  • Wayward Helmsman
  • The Rat
  • Carcass Gunrunner
  • Deckhand

The Grounded Pact

  • Cardinal Rain
  • Fang Shearer (Fang Shearer)
  • Daughter of Decay
  • Teche Wraith

Earn Pledge Marks

Hunters that you have not purchased as a Legendary can continue to earn Pledge Marks and certain Traits throughout the rounds. A maximum of three Pledge Marks can be earned in a round through various activities -- four is the total maximum:

  • 1x for - Collect 20 event points
  • 1x for - Banish first target
  • 1x for - Looting first dead hunter

Which pact you pledge allegiance to is up to you: To do so, go to one of the supply trucks on the map and fill the corresponding box of the desired pact with your Pledge Marks. Then, up to three traits will appear on the supply wagon or boat for you to pick up.

All Pact Traits in Tide of Shadows

In the current event there are two different types of traits. On the one hand there are the normal pact traits, on the other hand the so-called burn traits: The latter disappear after one use.

Primal Pact Traits

  • Instinct - In Darksight you can see enemy fighters up to 75 meters.
  • Relentless (Burn Trait) - Your fighter will not lose any life bar when you are knocked out.

Smuggler Pact Traits

  • Mariner - Your life regeneration is greatly increased while in the water. It is also slightly improved when it is raining.
  • Gunrunner (Burn Trait) - Allows you to remove the Contraband status from weapons after leaving a match.

Grounded Pact Traits

  • Shadow - Monsters can't see you, but they can hear you. Bosses are exempt from this.
  • Remedy (Burn Trait) - Activate a trait charm and your members will get all life bars back.

Trait for all pacts

  • Death Cheat - You don't lose your fighter if you don't get to the extraction point. However, the equipment will be lost.
Mehr zu Hunt Showdown

When will the Hunt Showdown event "Tide of Shadows" start?

  • Start of the event: 11:00 am CEST, June 28, 2023
  • End of the event: 9:00 am CEST, August 23, 2023

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The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on Guided.news he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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