
Lost Ark Roadmap 2023: New classes, raids and QoL improvements

Published: May. 02, 2023
Updated: May. 02, 2023

German English

After the developers of Lost Ark recently talked about the planned improvements to their game for new and returning players as well as the general endgame, there is now a concrete roadmap for the coming months.

What's up? Lost Ark fans can look forward to a whole bunch of new content this year. Among other things, there will be two new classes according to the roadmap, as well as more raids and improvements to the gameplay. We summarize which innovations and adjustments we can expect in the coming months.


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New classes in Lost Ark: butcher comes before air dancer

What new classes are coming in 2023? The developers at Smilegate are planning to release two new classes in 2023, the Slayer and the Aeromancer. However, unlike in Korea, the team is changing the order of release and bringing the Butcher into the game before the Air Dancer as early as May. The air dancer is scheduled to follow in August 2023.

What can the Slayer and the Aeromancer? The Slayer is an advanced Warrior Class that goes into battle with a greatsword. By attacking, she charges up a burst mode gauge that increases her damage and movement speed.

The Aeromancer adds a new specialist to the game, who can manipulate the weather and thus influence events on the battlefield. Her special ability Sun Shower boosts her own attacks, damages enemies and reduces damage taken.

Continent of Elgacia, raids and Abyss Dungeon in Kayangel

What new end-game content will be available this year? As early as June, Lost Ark fans can head to the new continent of Elgacia. Players can explore various new areas there, but must have reached item level 1460 or higher to travel there.

Also in June, the developers will release an Abyssal dungeon in Kayangel for four players. The dungeon will be available in several difficulty levels after completing the story of Elgacia.

It will be followed in July by the epilogue of Elgacia and the hellish mode for the Legion raid Kakul-Saydon. The raid requires item level 1475 and a complete build setup in the Book of Coordination.

The next new Legion raid is coming in August 2023: Then fans of Lost Ark will be able to face Akkan, the commander of the Plague Legion, in Arthentine. Depending on the difficulty level, you will need item level 1580 or 1600 to enter the raid. Finally, in August there will be a new Guardian raid, in which you will be able to compete against the former Elemantar King Levanos aka Sonavel.

Other innovations and improvements in 2023

What else is new? As the developers announced in the previous blog post, they will be introducing a whole bunch of gameplay improvements and quality-of-life changes to Lost Ark in the coming months. As early as May 2023, you'll be able to enjoy various progress improvements.

In addition, the third season of the Proving Grounds will start in May 2023, while levels 26 to 50 from the Fortunespire Tower will open their doors in June. Finally, more comfort improvements will follow in July, as well as the Music Box of Memories, which will let you experience new stories related to the inhabitants of Arkesia.

What do you think about the announcements of the developers about Lost Ark? Write us your opinion in the comments and discuss with us on Facebook or Discord.

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