Modern Warfare 2: The Gunsmith 2.0 Changes Everything in Call of Duty

Published: Sep. 15, 2022
Updated: Sep. 27, 2022

German English

Unveiled today, the new Gunsmith 2.0 in the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Beta is unlike anything we've seen before. So that you know what is changing, we have summarized all the new features for you.

That's why you should read on: In the video for the new Gunsmith 2.0 on the official InfinityWard YouTube channel, we get detailed insights into the powerful feature for the first time. Until now, you have gradually unlocked more weapons with your level, and then you have to use these weapons to earn all the attachments for them. This process is now supposed to be simplified, if you want to know how, just read on.

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This is the new Gunsmith 2.0 in Modern Warfare 2

In the new Gunsmith 2.0 feature, you still unlock individual weapons with your level, but there is a twist. You get direct access to the entire weapon platform and its family. This means you'll unlock the popular M4, and over time, you'll get different receivers for the weapon, turning it into an entirely different gun of the same platform.

You'll also carry over all of your previous attachments, so you don't have to start from scratch with the new weapon. This saves you a lot of time and allows you to react faster to changes in the meta. You unlock some attachments for further use with the weapon platform, and you even unlock others for all weapons. This way, you don't have to unlock the same grip for every weapon.

Another new feature was announced, the Shooting Range, where you can test your newly built weapons without risking your K/D. This allows you to get better used to your weapons and learn recoil, for example.

New information from COD Next: As we were able to see and learn in the live stream of the Call of Duty NEXT event, in the new Gunsmith 2.0 it is also possible for you to transform a shotgun into a kind of sniper rifle, for example, or your Glock pistol into an absolutely deadly fully automatic submachine gun.


How do the new Blueprints work in Modern Warfare 2

There is also a new system for the blueprints in Modern Warfare 2. This time you unlock all attachments in the skin of the respective blueprint and can use them as you please. This means you are no longer tied to the Blueprint essays. You can play the attachments you like, as they are all in the same style adapted to the chosen blueprint.

Everything at a glance:

  • Instead of individual weapons, you unlock weapon platforms.
  • Attachments are unlocked for the weapon platform or all weapons.
  • There are also different weapon types within a weapon platform, such as SMGs and LMGs.
  • A total of 5 attachments can be attached to every gun.
  • Blueprints are no longer tied to specific attachments and work more like a skin.
Modern Warfare 2 Gunsmith Neuerungen

The original News.

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