Laughable translations and FPS drops from hell: The Last of Us Part 1 PC port has been released in a catastrophic state. The prevailing opinion is that Iron Galaxy is to blame, but that is plain wrong.
Who screwed up the port of TLoU? In the overfed zombie segment, The Last of Us, released in 2013, is considered a story smash hit. Originally, the emotional action adventure was only available for PlayStation consoles; since March 28th, however, Joel and Ellie have finally been fearing each other on PC.
However, the anticipated PC port also has a lot of horror to offer aside from mutated humans. For example, the shaders initially like to build up for up to 45 minutes, certain translations could sometimes have been done by Google, and the game runs with the frame rate of a flipbook on most PCs. In view of this, customers naturally quickly asked themselves the question: Who. Was. That? And a culprit was also found quite quickly.
"The accused" is Iron Galaxy, a Chicago developer studio that specializes in PC ports of console games. The team is best known for its port of Batman: Arkham Knight, but not in a good way. So while the profile seems accurate, it wasn't Iron Galaxy that was entrusted with the port of TLoU Part 1. No, Naughty Dog, the original developers themselves, are responsible for it.
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Twitter user Okami Games was kind enough to record a quote from Naughty Dog for posterity, which clearly states that the TLoU developers themselves spawned the unloved PC port. And that's right in the first sentence. You can find the quote in question right below this paragraph.
The poster rightly notes that Naughty Dog will have to do their job better in the future, especially with the upcoming multiplayer mode on the horizon. So is it now time to carry the torches and pitchforks straight to Santa Monica to Naughty Dog? Well, as is almost always the case in such cases, calm is first in order. Experience shows that the developer is rarely to blame for a botched release version; be it a native version or a port.
It is much more likely that Naughty Dog's publisher PlayStation PC LLC forced the release of the PC port. After all, video games are always created on an industrial level according to strict schedules that are based on the publisher's business considerations.
A game is never released exactly on a day X for no reason, which is why a failure to meet the release date can upset corporate plans and severely damage the business. In addition, contracts ensure that the worst case scenario does not occur, so that in case of doubt, developers have no choice but to bring the product to market unfinished.
However, this explanation actually already goes too far. After all, we would also have to discuss whether video games should really devour budgets of millions of US dollars in some cases.
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