World War 3: Update Prepares for Launch & Increases EXP Rate

Published: Jun. 24, 2022
Updated: Jun. 24, 2022

German English

The shooter and Battlefield competitor World War 3 will soon enter open beta, and a big update has been released. It changes dozens of weapons, animations, UI and leveling extremely. What exactly awaits you, we reveal now!

The update at a glance: The published update for World War 3 brings one thing above all: improvements and fixes. So you shouldn't expect any new weapons or vehicles, yet World War 3 veteran Kevin Willing thinks the update is perfect:

World War 3 update paves way for Free-2-Play launch

What are the big changes? The main focus of the World War 3 update is the new animations and the changed level and progression system. A much-cited criticism, which I also subscribe to, is that it took too long to level up. I only reached level 50 after well over 60 hours of play! But that should only take half as long now.

In a video, the developer The Farm 51 also presented the new improved animations, which now seem less choppy and jerky. See for yourself:


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Gameplay changes in World War 3

  • You unlock weapon accessories like sights, magazines and grips earlier.
  • Strike warning range is now significantly increased, providing more time to react.
    There is armor pack more to choose from: rearming now works through the normal supply pack.
  • You now have a different default armor package for the HK M417 "sniper".
  • AK 15 and Alpha now use proper 7.62x39 mm magazines.
  • Bullet velocity has been adjusted (whether higher or lower, we'll find out soon!).
  • Removed a bug in the World War 3 update that incorrectly played a recoil animation even when the weapon was set up.

Balancing adjustments in the open beta update

  • 7.62x54mmR, 7.62x51 NATO, 9mm Parabellum and .40 S&W: The range of the calibers has been slightly adjusted.
  • 870 MCS: The maximum range has been reduced to reduce lethality at ranges over 20 meters.
  • Vepr-12: The maximum range has been increased to more effectively and consistently achieve the intended 2-3 kill range.
  • M417: The weight of the weapon has been increased to 8 block. Vertical recoil has been increased to make long range auto fire more difficult to control.
  • Scar-H: The weight of the weapon has been increased to 7 block. Overall recoil has been increased to make auto-firing less consistent.
  • RPG: Splash damage has been reduced.
  • M200: Only long-range scopes can now be placed in the "Basic Sight" slot.
    PKP Pecheneg Bullpup, SA80 and MG5: Extensive changes have been made to the recoil of all three weapons. They are now easier to handle and control after the first six shots (approximately).
  • 5.56 NATO, 7.62x39mm, 7.62 NATO and 7.62x54mm: The maximum and minimum ranges of the compact barrels have been increased.
  • G17: Visual recoil has been reduced in favor of better gun handling.

Other changes for World War 3

  • Improved the container drop animation when spawning a vehicle on a target.
  • Adjustments have been made to the APS on vehicles.
  • Range based damage for blast damage.
  • Corrected the damage for the grenade launcher of the remote weapon station.
  • Changed visual effects of shots on remote weapon stations and drone turrets.
  • The explosion radius of anti-tank grenades of the remotely controlled weapon station has been reduced.
  • MSBS-K reloading in FPP has been improved to create a better visual experience.
  • The movement animations of the MCS870 in the FPP have been improved.
  • There are many new animations, including sliding, skipping, and climbing.
  • Idle character poses have been improved to show a better grip on the bottom and sides of the weapons.
  • Added new slide animations for the Tochnost and G29 sniper rifles in FPP.
  • Improved turn-in-place animations in TPP for smoother transitions.
  • Fixed a bug with the widget that lets you change the color of vehicle seats.
  • Improved the widget for conquering points.
  • Added cannon name types on vehicle HUDs.
  • The scoreboard now correctly adjusts to the screen resolution.
  • Points on the scoreboard update correctly as they are displayed on the screen.
  • Added a watched player marker when the entire map is displayed.

For more changes to the World War 3 update for the Open Beta, check out the official post from the developers via Steam!

The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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