The shooter and Battlefield competitor World War 3 will soon enter open beta, and a big update has been released. It changes dozens of weapons, animations, UI and leveling extremely. What exactly awaits you, we reveal now!
The update at a glance: The published update for World War 3 brings one thing above all: improvements and fixes. So you shouldn't expect any new weapons or vehicles, yet World War 3 veteran Kevin Willing thinks the update is perfect:
World War 3 update paves way for Free-2-Play launch
What are the big changes? The main focus of the World War 3 update is the new animations and the changed level and progression system. A much-cited criticism, which I also subscribe to, is that it took too long to level up. I only reached level 50 after well over 60 hours of play! But that should only take half as long now.
In a video, the developer The Farm 51 also presented the new improved animations, which now seem less choppy and jerky. See for yourself:
Gameplay changes in World War 3
- You unlock weapon accessories like sights, magazines and grips earlier.
- Strike warning range is now significantly increased, providing more time to react.
There is armor pack more to choose from: rearming now works through the normal supply pack.
- You now have a different default armor package for the HK M417 "sniper".
- AK 15 and Alpha now use proper 7.62x39 mm magazines.
- Bullet velocity has been adjusted (whether higher or lower, we'll find out soon!).
- Removed a bug in the World War 3 update that incorrectly played a recoil animation even when the weapon was set up.
Balancing adjustments in the open beta update
- 7.62x54mmR, 7.62x51 NATO, 9mm Parabellum and .40 S&W: The range of the calibers has been slightly adjusted.
- 870 MCS: The maximum range has been reduced to reduce lethality at ranges over 20 meters.
- Vepr-12: The maximum range has been increased to more effectively and consistently achieve the intended 2-3 kill range.
- M417: The weight of the weapon has been increased to 8 block. Vertical recoil has been increased to make long range auto fire more difficult to control.
- Scar-H: The weight of the weapon has been increased to 7 block. Overall recoil has been increased to make auto-firing less consistent.
- RPG: Splash damage has been reduced.
- M200: Only long-range scopes can now be placed in the "Basic Sight" slot.
PKP Pecheneg Bullpup, SA80 and MG5: Extensive changes have been made to the recoil of all three weapons. They are now easier to handle and control after the first six shots (approximately).
- 5.56 NATO, 7.62x39mm, 7.62 NATO and 7.62x54mm: The maximum and minimum ranges of the compact barrels have been increased.
- G17: Visual recoil has been reduced in favor of better gun handling.
Other changes for World War 3
- Improved the container drop animation when spawning a vehicle on a target.
- Adjustments have been made to the APS on vehicles.
- Range based damage for blast damage.
- Corrected the damage for the grenade launcher of the remote weapon station.
- Changed visual effects of shots on remote weapon stations and drone turrets.
- The explosion radius of anti-tank grenades of the remotely controlled weapon station has been reduced.
- MSBS-K reloading in FPP has been improved to create a better visual experience.
- The movement animations of the MCS870 in the FPP have been improved.
- There are many new animations, including sliding, skipping, and climbing.
- Idle character poses have been improved to show a better grip on the bottom and sides of the weapons.
- Added new slide animations for the Tochnost and G29 sniper rifles in FPP.
- Improved turn-in-place animations in TPP for smoother transitions.
- Fixed a bug with the widget that lets you change the color of vehicle seats.
- Improved the widget for conquering points.
- Added cannon name types on vehicle HUDs.
- The scoreboard now correctly adjusts to the screen resolution.
- Points on the scoreboard update correctly as they are displayed on the screen.
- Added a watched player marker when the entire map is displayed.
For more changes to the World War 3 update for the Open Beta, check out the official post from the developers via Steam!