Pokemon Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk DLC is out now and you're definitely excited to learn about the bosses you'll be fighting. We've researched each trainer and their Pokemon and are ready to share them with you. In this guide, you will learn about all the bosses in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk.
Contents of the Guide: Here you will learn about all the bosses in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk.
- We will tell you about each boss fight.
- You'll learn about the Pokemon you'll be fighting.
- We have listed the weaknesses of each of these Pokemon so that you can easily build a powerful team.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet the Indigo Disk: All Boss Trainers and Their Pokemon

There are 8 boss fights in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk. Below, we offer you to familiarize yourself with all the trainers and their Pokemon. We've also listed the type of each Pokemon and their Weaknesses.
Your first boss fight will be with Trainer Lacey. She will attack you with the following Pokemon:
- Minun
- Type — Electric
- Weaknesses — Ground
- Plusle
- Type — Electric
- Weaknesses — Ground
- Excadrill
- Type — Ground, Steel
- Weaknesses — Fire, Water, Fighting, Ground
The second trainer, is Carmine, with the following Pokemon:
- Toucannon
- Type — Normal, Flying
- Weaknesses — Electric, Ice, Rock
- Mightyena
- Type — Dark
- Weaknesses — Fairy, Bug, Fighting
- Sinistcha
- Type — Grass, Ghost
- Weaknesses — Dark, Fire, Flying, Ghost, Ice
- Scrafty
- Type — Dark, Fighting
- Weaknesses — Fairy, Flying, Fighting
The third person you have to defeat in the arena is Crispin. His team is next:
- Talonflame
- Type — Fire, Flying
- Weaknesses — Water, Electric, Rock
- Rotom
- Type — Electric, Ghost
- Weaknesses — Ghost, Dark, Ground
- Exeggutor
- Type — Grass, Psychic
- Weaknesses — Ghost, Fire, Flying, Ice, Dark, Poison, Bug
- Magmortar
- Type — Fire
- Weaknesses — Water, Ground, Rock
- Camerupt
- Type — Fire, Ground
- Weaknesses — Water, Ground
- Blaziken
- Type — Fire, Fighting
- Weaknesses — Water, Psychic, Flying, Ground
The fourth boss is trainer Amarys. She attacks you with the following Pokémon:
- Dugtrio
- Type — Ground
- Weaknesses — Water, Grass, Ice
- Skarmory
- Type — Steel, Flying
- Weaknesses — Fire, Electric
- Empoleon
- Type — Water, Steel
- Weaknesses — Electric, Fighting, Ground
- Reuniclus
- Type — Psychic
- Weaknesses — Ghost, Dark, Bug
- Scizor
- Type — Bug, Steel
- Weaknesses — Fire
- Metagross
- Type — Steel, Psychic
- Weaknesses — Ghost, Fire, Dark, Ground
The fifth boss fight in The Indigo Disk DLS will once again be with trainer Lacey. But this time she will use the following Pokémon:
- Granbull
- Type — Fairy
- Weaknesses — Steel, Poison
- Whimsicott
- Type — Grass, Fairy
- Weaknesses — Steel, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison
- Primarina
- Type — Water, Fairy
- Weaknesses — Grass, Electric, Poison
- Slowbro
- Type — Water, Psychic
- Weaknesses — Ghost, Dark, Grass, Electric, Bug
- Alcremie
- Type — Fairy
- Weaknesses — Steel, Poison
- Excadrill
- Type —Ground, Steel
- Weaknesses — Fire, Water, Fighting
The sixth boss is trainer Drayton with his next Pokémon:
- Flygon
- Type — Ground, Dragon
- Weaknesses — Fairy, Ice, Dragon
- Dragonite
- Type — Dragon, Flying
- Weaknesses — Fairy, Dragon, Ice Rock
- Haxorus
- Type — Dragon
- Weaknesses — Fairy, Ice, Dragon
- Sceptile
- Type — Grass
- Weaknesses — Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison, Bug
- Kingdra
- Type — Water, Dragon
- Weaknesses — Fairy, Dragon
- Archaludon
- Type — Steel, Dragon
- Weaknesses — Fighting, Ground
The seventh is trainer Kieran. He attacks you with the following Pokémon:
- Dragonite
- Type — Dragon, Flying
- Weaknesses — Fairy, dragon, Ice, Rock
- Politoed
- Type —Water
- Weaknesses — Grass, Electric
- Porygon-Z
- Type — Normal
- Weaknesses — Fighting
- Grimmsnarl
- Type — Dark, Fairy
- Weaknesses — Steel, Fairy, Poison
- Incineroar
- Type — Fire, Dark
- Weaknesses — Water, Ground, Fighting
- Hydrapple
- Type — Grass, Dragon
- Weaknesses — Ice, Bug, Poison, Flying, Dragon, Fairy
And lastly, you'll have to defeat Terapagos, the final boss. At first, Kieran will fight against you, and Terapagos will be in Terastal form. But after you defeat him, Kieran will use the Tera Orb on Terapagos, and he will evolve into Stellar form. Subsequently, Terapagos will not want to return to the master ball, and you will have to defeat it to catch it again.
- Type — Normal
- Weaknesses — Fighting
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