Between February 10th and 13th, 2023, in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet, you'll have a rare chance to take on Ash's strongest monster, Greninja. It's a real challenge, but we'll tell you which Pokémon lineup gives you the best chance of winning.
Let's go to a unique raid event: Starting today, February 10th at 1 a.m., you can take part in a very special 7-star raid in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. Your opponent is none other than Ash Ketchum's strongest Pokémon yet, the frog-like Greninja of Tera-type Poison. Until February 13th at 0:59, you can beat the star of the Poké battle. Or is it the other way around?
One thing's for sure, it's not an easy fight, because Greninja is a level 100 competition monster, and the requirements you have to meet to participate in the Tera Raid event are correspondingly high. Those are:
If you meet these requirements, the only thing standing in your way is Greninja himself. But which of your pocket monsters should you face the titan with, and which special abilities should your party be familiar with? We have a few good suggestions.
Here's the deal: As someone interested in a 7-star raid event, you'll probably already know exactly what to expect. Namely, it's a typical Tera-Raid, in which a Pokémon in its teracrystalline form has to be slain. The addition of the word "event" only describes the fact that a particularly rare and unusually strong monster is going to give you a run for your money. In this case, it's Ash's Greninja.
Here's what you need to know: The powerful Greninja admittedly has a few special attacks that will give your Pokémon hell. These include Double Team (Normal), Ice Beam, Poison Spikes, Hydro Pump (Water), Garbage Strike (Poison), and Night Strike (Unlight). That's right: this is a Unlight/Water-type monster. As a Tera-Type Poison Pokémon, Greninja is vulnerable to Psycho and Ground attacks.
These monsters do best: Of course, it should be noted that there are always a few uncertain variables in Tera Raids. For example, which Pokétrainers and monsters you go up against will count. However, because of the corporate nature of Tera types, it's safe to say that you'll do well with the following lineup:
Good luck!
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