Sorcery has been a staple of Conan Exiles since the Age of Sorcery patch. Patch 3.0 quite literally revolutionized the game mechanics, adding the ability to harness sorcery in the hostile world of Hyboria. In this guide, we explain in great detail all the currently available spells, what they do, and what resources you need for each.
Quick Pick: What You Need to Know
Magic in Conan Exiles will involve summoning beasts, manipulating the environment, and harvesting resources.
There are 18 spells across several levels of sorcery, all of which require very specific materials, elaborated herein.
From summoning zombies to flying with a demonic bat, this walkthrough will guide you through the magical system.
All Spells from Conan Exiles Age of Sorcery
Since introducing sorcery into Conan Exiles, it has been integral to any adventure. Mastering these spells will sometimes give one an edge in dungeons while exploring dangers within or while fighting other rival players out in the field. To learn spells, you need to find sorcerers throughout Hyboria.
What follows is a breakdown of each spell, organized by spell book level and what they do, plus how you can unlock them.
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Tome of Kurak, 1x Sorcerous Spell Page, 1x Human Flesh, 15x Volatile Gland
Wall of Fire: Creates a wall of liquid rock and lava that you can use to block paths.
Spell Book Level V
Resources required for leveling up:
Tome of Kurak, 1x Sorcerous Spell Page, 5x Blood, 20x Brimstone
Creeping Darkness: Darkens the room around you and hides you in the shadows. Randomly distributed cobwebs also slow down your opponents.
Spell Book Level VI
Resources required for leveling up:
Tome of Kurak, 1x Sorcerous Spell Page, 10x Blood, 15x Alchemical Base
Mass Cull: Harvests resources in a large area around you.
Detect Ressources: Makes ores around you glow.
Spell Book Level VII
Resources required for leveling up:
Tome of Kurak, 1x Sorcerous Spell Page, 15x Blood, 1x Weathered Skull
Summon Corpse: Summons your own corpse at the Circle of Power.
Spell Book Level VIII
Resources required for leveling up:
Tome of Kurak, 1x Sorcerous Spell Page, 20x Blood, 20x Weathered Skull
Call of the Dead: Envelopes the area in a dense fog and summons many zombies to fight for you.
Raise Dead: Resurrects a dead person at the Shallow Grave for you to keep as slave.
Spell Book Level IX
Resources required for leveling up:
Tome of Kurak, 1x Sorcerous Spell Page, 10x Demon Blood, 10x Grey Lotus Powder
Mirror Mark: Creates a clone of you that attracts enemies.
Invisibility Self: Makes yourself invisible.
Conceal Corruption: Covers your own visual corruption, so others don't see how strong you are as a caster.
Spell Book Level X
Resources required for leveling up:
Tome of Kurak, 1x Sorcerous Spell Page, 15x Demon Blood, 5x Soul Essence
Elixir of Rebirth: An elixir that allows NPCs to learn physical and mental skills without training. Can be crafted at the alchemy table.
Spell Book Level XI
Resources required for leveling up:
Tome of Kurak, 1x Sorcerous Spell Page, 20x Demon Blood, 5x Sacrificial Blood in a flask
Call of Nergal: Summons a bat that allows you to fly with.
Abyssal Call: Summons a demonic entity at the Circle of Power.
Spell Book Level XII
Resources required for leveling up:
Tome of Kurak, 1x Sorcerous Spell Page, 30x Demon Blood, 20x Dragonhorn
Abyssal Bow: Summons a Demonic Bow at the Circle of Power that you can equip for 12 hours.
Abyssal Maul: Summons a Demonic Mace at the Circle of Power that you can equip for 12 hours.
Spell Book Level XIII
Resources required for leveling up:
Tome of Kurak, 1x Sorcerous Spell Page, 20x Black Blood, 10x Dragonpowder
Abyssal Armor: Summons Demonic Armor at the Circle of Power that you can equip for 12 hours.
Spell Book Level XIV
Resources required for leveling up:
Tome of Kurak, 1x Sorcerous Spell Page, 30x Black Blood, 5x Fragment of Power
Lightning Storm: Summons a thunderstorm of destructive lightning around you.
Spell Book Level XV
Resources required for leveling up:
Tome of Kurak, 1x Sorcerous Spell Page, 50x Black Blood, 100x Witchfire Powder
Transportory Stone: This allows you to build a teleport stone circle that connects you to other built teleport stones.
That's All the Spells… So Far! That's a rundown of all the spells currently available within Conan Exiles: Age of Sorcery. The integration feels so core to the game that even stronger, more ingenious spells will be expected moving forward with each update. So, which spell is your favorite? Or is there something you’d love to see added in the future? Let us know in the comments!
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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Summery of everything you will need to level your spell book:
1x Putrid Meat
1x Stone
1x Feral Flesh
5x Feather
1x Savoury Flesh
10x Glowing Goop
1x Human Flesh
15x Volatile Gland
55x Blood
20x Brimstone
15x Alchemical Base
21x Weathered Skull
75x Demon Blood
10x Grey Lotus
5x Sacrificial Blood in a flask
5x Soul Essence
20x Dragonhorn
100x Black Blood
10x Dragonpowder
5x Fragment of Power
100x Witchfire Powder
15x Sorcerous Spell Page