
Conan Exiles: Finding and Taming Horses - Here's how

Published: Aug. 04, 2022
Updated: Aug. 04, 2022

German English

In the survival game Conan Exiles, horses are a versatile tool to travel quickly from A to B, to transport a wide variety of goods, or to finish off opponents in mounted combat. However, you have to do some preliminary work before you can ride your own horse through the game world.

In this guide, we explain where you can find and tame horses. We'll go through all the steps you need to take to create your own mount - from finding the first foal to building a stable and crafting a matching saddle.

Finding a foal: Your first horse

What requirements do I have to meet to ride a horse? In order to ride a horse in Conan Exiles, you must first find a foal in the game world. You must be at least level 15 to tame the filly. However, you can only ride a horse from level 20.

You must also learn the recipe for the stable and the saddler. You can find both in the Talents' menu under Survival and Armor, respectively. Level 20 is also required for this.

How do I catch a foal? Foals, which you can later breed into horses, can be found in Conan Exiles near water deposits in the Grasslands. There are three different types of foals, and it doesn't matter which foal you catch for the later characteristics of your horse.

Once you have found a foal, collect it (approach the foal and press the E key) so that it ends up in your inventory. You then return to your camp and build a stable where you can then raise your foal.

How do I build a stable? Go to a carpenter's workbench and select the stable recipe. To build a Stable, you need 15 Bricks, 10 Shaped Lumber, and 10 Twine. You can raise one horse per stable - so you'll need to build multiple stables if you want to own more than one horse.

How do I raise my foal? Once you have set up a stable, place your foal in the stable. Now you need to feed the foal by transferring the appropriate food to the stable's inventory. Plant fibers, for example, are suitable as food. Depending on what food you feed, the foal will take time to grow. It grows fastest with Asura's fame. Once you've fed your foal, you'll have to wait a few hours for it to automatically grow into a horse.

Riding in Conan Exiles

What do I need to be able to ride my horse? When your foal grows into a horse, you will need to craft a saddle so that you can ride it. To do this, you learn the saddler's recipe in the talents and then build a saddler's workbench out of 80 wood, 5 thread, and 50 leather.

You can now craft a variety of saddles with the saddler's workbench. The simplest saddle is available from level 20, the better versions require level 40 or level 60. Each saddle has different properties and makes your horse more flexible, faster, or more resistant. The simplest saddle will cost you 45 Iron Ingots, 50 Leather, and 20 Thread.


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How do I level my horse? Just like your character, your horse will also level up. If you have your horse with you in battles, it also gains experience points. Depending on what food your horse has in its inventory, its attributes will improve.

The health points of the horse are particularly important. You increase this as you level up by feeding your horse tendrils. Later, you should feed it Asura's Glory when it has reached the maximum level. Namely, Asura's Glory grants an additional health buff, which can prove particularly useful when traveling in dangerous areas.

What else do I have to consider when riding? Horses in Conan Exiles can die and are then irretrievably lost. You should therefore be careful at the beginning not to expose your horse to any unnecessary dangers. Later, when the horse has leveled up and has more life points, this shouldn't be a problem anymore.

Horses also take damage if you drag them down a cliff, so watch where you lead them. In addition, you can be thrown off your horse when your stamina is low. Finally, keep in mind that horses will flee combat if you are attacked, and you do not use them for mounted combat.

 More about Conan Exiles

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Sascha Asendorf is the co-founder of Guided.news and has been running online magazines in the gaming sector since 2013. Starting with a strong focus on survival games, Sascha now deals a lot with role-playing games and is an expert on survival and RPG titles like Conan Exiles, Baldurs Gate 3 & Cyberpunk 2077.
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