Diablo 4: The Renown System Explained

Published: Mar. 17, 2023
Updated: Jan. 29, 2024

German English

The Renown System in Diablo 4 is an important part of your character development. You can get gold, skill points, Paragon points and potion recharges through Renown. We tell you what Renown is and how you can get it.

This is Renown: Renown is a power divided into 5 levels that you use to improve the stats of all your characters. You get it throughout the game by doing many small tasks like activating waypoints, completing dungeons and side quests or finding altars.

Renown Explained and How you Get it in Diablo 4

As mentioned earlier, Renown is divided into 5 tiers in each zone. The points you collect are evaluated on the one hand for each individual character and on the other hand for your entire account. This results in the following values:

Level Character-Reward Account-Bonus
  • Level 1: 200 Points
  • Level 2: 500 Points
  • Level 3: 800 Points
  • Level 4: 1100 Points
  • Level 5: 1500 Points
  • Experience and 3,000 Gold
  • Experience and 10,000 Gold
  • Experience and 25,000 Gold
  • Experience and 60,000 Gold
  • Experience and 150,000 Gold
  • +1 Skill Point
  • +1 Potion Charge
  • +1 Skill Point
  • +80 max. Obols
  • +4 Paragon Points

As there are 5 zones, you can fill up this Renown counter 5 times and thus strengthen all your characters.

How to get Renown: There are several ways to collect Renown, but basically you have to complete all the activities in a zone:

Activity Points
Area discovered 5
Activate Altar of Lilith 10
Activate Way Points 20
Finish Side Quests 20
Finish Dungeons 30
Conquer Strongholds 100

You can already see that bases bring in the most points. You can find 3 of them in each zone and thus already have 300 points. If you then complete all the dungeons where you can also find side quests, you will quickly reach level 4. The altars of Lilith are also easy to uncover and bring you further bonuses for your account. You will quickly reach the maximum level in each zone if you complete everything anyway.

More about Diablo 4

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Sascha Asendorf is the co-founder of Guided.news and has been running online magazines in the gaming sector since 2013. Starting with a strong focus on survival games, Sascha now deals a lot with role-playing games and is an expert on survival and RPG titles like Conan Exiles, Baldurs Gate 3 & Cyberpunk 2077.
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