
Disney Dreamlight Valley: Recipe and Ingredients for Hawaiian Pizza

Published: Dec. 21, 2023
Updated: Dec. 29, 2023

German English

Thanks to the "A Rift in Time" add-on, you can now make Hawaiian Pizza in Disney Dreamlight Valley. Here's what the 5-star dish consists of and where to find the ingredients.

In this guide, you'll learn:

  • The recipe for Hawaiian Pizza and where to find the ingredients.
  • The benefits of cooking in Disney Dreamlight Valley.

Hawaiian Pizza: Recipe and Ingredients in A Rift in Time

You'll find the 5-star "Hawaiian Pizza" in the main course section of the Eternal Island's recipe collection. You'll need the following ingredients for this dish:

  • Tomato
  • Cheese
  • Pineapple
  • Wheat
  • Pork

How to get the Ingredients for Hawaiian Pizza

Tomato: You can buy tomato seeds or tomatoes at Goofy's stand on the Dazzle Beach in the main game. In the "A Rift in Time" DLC, you can purchase tomato seeds at Goofy's stand in the Wild Tangle. Tomato seeds cost 8 coins and take 25 minutes to grow before you can harvest them. You can sell the harvested tomatoes for 22 coins each, or eat them for 21 energy.

Pork: You can buy pork at Gaston's stand in the Sparkling Dunes, specifically in the Wasteland, for 250 coins. It provides 250 energy. If you haven't unlocked the meat stand yet, you can do so in Gaston's friendship quest at level 4.

Cheese: Available only at Remy's store, located in his restaurant. You can buy cheese there for 180 coins.

Pineapple: Pineapple seeds are available for 200 coins each at Goofy's stand in the Wild Tangle on the Eternal Island. You can harvest the plants 3 hours after planting. The harvested fruit has a coin value of 532 and an energy value of 168.

Wheat: You can buy wheat seeds for one coin at Goofy's stand on the Peaceful Meadow in the main game, or at Goofy's stand of the Ancients on the Eternal Island (A Rift in Time). After planting the seeds, you only have to wait a minute before you can harvest the wheat. Then, you can sell it for 2 coins each, or eat it for 19 energy.

Author's Tip: Plant the vegetable seeds where you bought them to reduce the growing time and improve quality. With the help of the ancient gardener, you have no work and can relax while harvesting the finished plants.
Hawaiian Pizza Recipe and Ingredients Disney Dreamlight Valley

Hawaiian Pizza

Get more recipe guides sorted by star rating, as well as by appetizers, main courses, or desserts, in our comprehensive Disney Dreamlight Valley guide overview.

Values of the Prepared Hawaiian Pizza

After you've made the 5-star pizza, the finished dish has the following values:

  • Coin Value: 1500
  • Energy Content: 1506

If you've cooked the Hawaiian Pizza but don't need it for a quest, you can choose to gift it to a resident, eat it yourself, sell it, or store it.

Value/ Stats of Hawaiian Pizza Disney Dreamlight Valley

Values of the Hawaiian Pizza

Benefits of Cooking in Disney Dreamlight Valley

To progress in the game, you'll eventually need to cook one or more recipes. However, here's why you should start cooking in Disney Dreamlight Valley sooner rather than later.

Cooking to Increase Friendship: The wish of each resident for three special gifts that can significantly speed up the friendship level changes daily. There's a high probability that at least one dish is among these gifts, or maybe even two.

In addition to these three gifts, 5-star dishes also accelerate the increase of the friendship level. Additionally, preparing and delivering orders that residents place in Remy's Restaurant is another way to increase the friendship level.

Cooking to Gain Energy: The activities and tasks you perform in Dreamlight Valley consume your energy. However, this energy can be easily replenished by eating cooked dishes.

Note that only dishes can give you extra energy, exceeding your blue energy gauge and showing it in gold. You can use the surplus energy for surfing, which in turn makes your movement in the village faster.

Cooking to Earn Coins: Once you've prepared a recipe and have the dish in your inventory, you can determine the value of the respective dish. Each dish has a unique value, which is a combination of the ingredients used and the cooking process. Selling these prepared dishes at Goofy's stands is an opportunity to earn some extra coins.

Cooking to Feed Animals: In Disney Dreamlight Valley, there are animals that cannot be fed with simple ingredients but only with prepared dishes. This includes, for example, the monkeys you received as part of the "A Rift in Time" update, as well as the ravens from the Forgotten Land in the main game, which also insist on 5-star dishes.

Cooking for Quests and Star Paths: Selected dishes, for which you may have received the recipe in advance, either by luck or during a quest, are needed in quests or tasks of the Star Path. In the context of the Star Path, tasks often involve preparing specific dishes, either through detailed instructions or simply by the requirement to prepare dishes with a specified number of stars.

Kochen in Disney Dreamlight Valley

Cooking in Disney Dreamlight Valley

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