To find a GPU in DMZ, you need to search in certain locations, and we'll tell you how and where you can locate the graphics cards. We have also created maps for you so that you can find the locations quickly.
What's it about? GPUs in DMZ are some of the most needed loot in the game, which you need for missions, to unlock your third weapon slot or simply to sell. In this guide, we will tell you where you can find many GPUs in DMZ. If you need help finding your way, you can find all guides including spawns to the maps of DMZ here:
There are seven different and promising locations in DMZ that you should know in order to successfully find a GPU:
Your journey will take you through Ashika Island, where you will need keys to reach the treasures in the castle. Bravely face the challenges to get the coveted GPUs. Remember to store your finds safely in the AC-hardened backpack for quick extraction.
In Vondel, GPUs await you at two main locations. Get the "Stage Bag Key" to unlock these caches. You can get these keys from HVT opponents or find them randomly in hidden locations. However, these locations also require a key to open them. The Stage Bags can be found near the University and above the Fire Department. You can recognize the stage from afar by the yellow truck parked in front of it. To find GPUs in Al Mazrah, we recommend searching police stations and banks all over the city. Also, search every computer and office you can find on all maps.
Tip from our expert: If you want to find a lot of GPUs quickly, you should focus on the two maps Vondel and Ashika Island. Here there are more possibilities to find a GPU than on Al Mazrah.
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That's all you need to know about GPUs in DMZ! If you have any questions or comments, please write us a comment or join us on social media and our Discord server (all links via