
Dreamlight Valley: Eve's A New Directive [Quest Guide]

Published: Dec. 11, 2023
Updated: Dec. 11, 2023

German English

Our editor Alex has been playing Disney Dreamlight Valley since the beginning of Early Access. Here, he explains how you can solve the quest "A New Directive" from Eve.

In this guide, you will learn:

  • Whether Eve's quests require the purchase of the "A Rift in Time" DLC.
  • What you need to do to complete Eve's quest "A New Directive."

Eve is not Included in the Vanilla Version

Disney Dreamlight Valley Eve Quest A new Directive Guide

To unlock Eve in Disney Dreamlight Valley, you need to own the recently released "A Rift in Time" DLC. You can get it for $30 on Steam. This guide focuses on Eve's quest "A New Directive"; that means you must have unlocked the charming metal bucket to play this story. How to do this can be found in this guide.

For many more guides on Disney Dreamlight Valley, check out our comprehensive guide overview.

After obtaining the Royal Hourglass and completing the quest "The Flying Metal Nuisance," the task discussed here involves Eve feeling lost during the "Directive: Danger" quest, even though she sees Eternity Isle as generally safe. However, without a replacement directive, the little robot feels adrift.

Your task is to assist Eve in establishing a new directive and facilitating her reunion with Wall-E by helping with the preparations.

Dreamlight Valley: Feed Two Monkeys

In the conversation with Eve, you are first instructed to feed two monkeys, but hold on – don't rush to the nearest banana bush! The indigenous monkeys of Eternity Isle are a bit more demanding, and the little gourmets won't accept anything less than a five-star meal.

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Monkeys can be found at the green marker. (Disney Dreamlight Valley, image: Akifini)

Anyway, where can monkeys be found? Monkeys can be found in the Courtyard, the Ruins, the Overlook, and the Dock. I've marked a preferred spot for the monkeys with a green circle in the image above.

To feed a monkey, approach the nimble gourmand, and it will seemingly run away. Follow it until an interaction prompt appears. The monkey will then sit still, expecting nothing less than the mentioned five-star meal.

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Let's put a good meal in front of the monkey. (Disney Dreamlight Valley, image: Akifini)

As per the quest, you need to feed two monkeys, meaning two different monkeys. Feeding the same one twice won't work. Once the primates (metaphorically speaking) contentedly hold their bellies, return to Eve and speak to her to complete this first sub-task.

Follow Eve to the Overlook & Use the Royal Hourglass

Next, Eve will lead you to the Overlook. Follow the hovering robot lady until she stops at the entrance to the Overlook. If she stops earlier, you may not have unlocked that area.

In that case, Eve cannot proceed. Unlock the Overlook by collecting 6,000 Mist. After another conversation with Eve, leave the Overlook to advance the quest.

The next step is to use the Royal Hourglass to locate the BnL Picnic Blanket and BnL Trashcan Planter in Ancients Landing. You'll encounter swirling sand on your way, which you also clear using the Royal Hourglass. Once both items are found, you'll need to collect more things or beings, namely:

  • Yellow Birds of Paradise x3
  • Orange Birds of Paradise x3
  • Red Luminescent Flowers x3
  • White Birds of Paradise x3
  • Jade x2

Birds of Paradise and Red Luminescent Flowers can be found in Ancient's Landing, while Jade can be mined in the Courtyard and the Overlook. After gathering these items, return to Eve and engage in conversation.

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Reunited: Wall-E and Eve. (Disney Dreamlight Valley, image: Akifini)

Now all preparations have been made, and you can follow Eve to observe her reunion with WALL-E. Finally, return to the garden and take a joint photo of the two robots. Now, all you need to do is speak to Eve once more, and you've mastered the quest "A New Directive."

Disney Dreamlight Valley has been available since December 5th for PC (Steam), macOS, PlayStation 5/4, Xbox Series X/S/One, and Nintendo Switch. The full version is priced at 40 dollars on all platforms, with the DLC “A Rift in Time” costing an additional 30 dollars.


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After graduating from high school, I initially wanted to study instrumental music. However, eventually I pursued a career as a video game journalist, which I started at the prestigious Ehapa-Verlag publisher, among others. Today, I share my extensive video game expertise with Guided. I benefit from over 40 years of experience with PC and console games, as well as my work in game development for the indie studio Knights of Bytes. I understand how video games work, and I also know how to convey my knowledge in an understandable manner.
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