Dreamlight Valley: Solve The Scientific Method [Quest Guide]

Published: Dec. 08, 2023
Updated: Dec. 08, 2023

German English

Our editor Alex has been playing Disney Dreamlight Valley since the beginning of Early Access. Here, he explains how to complete the quest "The Scientific Method."

In this guide, you will learn:

  • Whether Jack Skellington's quests require the purchase of the "A Rift in Time" DLC.
  • What exactly you need to do to complete Jack's quest "The Scientific Method."

Jack Skellington is Included in the Vanilla Version

To unlock Jack Skellington in Disney Dreamlight Valley, the purchase of the recently released "A Rift in Time" DLC is not necessary. The famous Pumpkin King graces Disney Valley as part of the main game. However, if you are interested in the expansion, you can get it for $30 on Steam.

For many more guides on Disney Dreamlight Valley, check out our comprehensive guide overview.

This guide focuses on Jack's quest "The Scientific Method," meaning you must have unlocked the spindly protagonist from Tim Burton's "The Nightmare Before Christmas." How to achieve this can be found in this guide.

Quest Guide: Solving "The Scientific Method"

If you have accepted Jack Skellington's quest "The Scientific Method" in Dreamlight Valley, your friendship is already at level 5. This time, you are to play the role of the Pumpkin King's lab assistant because the lanky monarch wants to explore potential connections between "The Forgetting" and the magic underlying his hometown, Halloween Town, in a "scientific" manner.

For you, "The Scientific Method" is initially about setting up Jack's future lab. And as is customary in Dreamlight Valley, this involves some gathering tasks. However, a change of location is necessary first.

Help Jack Skellington Set Up His Lab

To get started, meet Jack in Vitalys Mines and find the hidden room. You're familiar with this room from Simba's quest, "Seed of Memories." The Pumpkin King now wants to transform this space into his personal lab, for which he needs a slew of resources.

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Vitalys Mines in Disney Dreamlight Valley. (Image by Pro Game Guides)

For the compilation of a scientific set for Jack to experiment with, you need to collect the following ingredients:

  • Softwood x12: Can be found on the Plaza, Peaceful Meadow, Glade of Trust, and Forest of Valor.
  • Empty Vial x4: Crafted from three glass pieces, which, in turn, are made from 5x Sand and 1x Coal Ore.
  • Iron Ingot x3: Found in rocks in various biomes around the Plaza. They can also be crafted from 5x Iron Ore and 1x Coal Ore.
  • Coal Ore x8: Found in rocks or obtained when removing Night Thorns.
  • Fabric x3: Crafted from 5 Cotton pieces. Cotton can be grown from Cotton Seeds or purchased at Goofy's Stall on the Sunlit Plateau.

Once you have the required materials, go to a workbench and create a scientific kit. Now, return to Jack Skellington in the Vitalys Mines and hand him his new toys.

Deliver Night Shards to Jack Skellington

Well, now the experiments can begin, right? Wrong, because Jack still needs something to experiment with. In this case, it's 6 Night Shards, which are known to be found (or rather dug up) in the sparkling holes in the ground in all biomes. Alternatively, you can also transform an Onyx Stone into 3 Night Shards using a crafting bench.

After delivering the Night Shards to Jack (he's still in the Vitalys Mines), he begins with initial experiments that go awry. The shards turn into a giant Night Thorn, against which neither Jack nor you can do anything. So, the only solution is a visit to the powerful wizard Merlin.

Where to Find Merlin's Potions

Merlin will tell you that he has four differently colored potions, one of which might help eliminate the giant Night Thorn. However, Merlin is not getting any younger and can't remember which of the four potions is the right one. So, he asks you to enter his house and find all four potions for him. He has stored them in the following locations:

  • The blue potion is on Merlin's desk in the center of the house.
  • The green potion is in the back left cabinet.
  • The yellow potion hangs on a bracket next to the front door.
  • The purple potion is on the ground under the window, next to a large bookshelf.

The exact locations of the potions can also be seen in the images below.

After acquiring all the potions, Merlin is once again not much help, as he only remembers that the right potion is "the opposite of a Night Thorn." Well, the solution is straightforward, especially since you can go by the colors here. If the Night Thorn represents forgetting and darkness, it can only be the yellow (yellow like the sun) potion. Moreover, the potion's description suggests that it enhances memory.

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Let's get to grips with the night thorn with Merlin's potions. (Disney Dreamlight Valley, image by Pro Game Guides)

Now armed with this knowledge, return to Vitalys Mines and apply the contents of the yellow potion to the giant Night Thorn. It will shrink, leaving behind only a Night Thorn Sprout. Give the sprout to Jack Skellington, and you have successfully completed the quest "The Scientific Method."

Disney Dreamlight Valley has been available since December 5th for PC (Steam), macOS, PlayStation 5/4, Xbox Series X/S/One, and Nintendo Switch. The full version is priced at 40 dollars on all platforms, with the DLC "A Rift in Time" costing an additional 30 dollars.


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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
After graduating from high school, I initially wanted to study instrumental music. However, eventually I pursued a career as a video game journalist, which I started at the prestigious Ehapa-Verlag publisher, among others. Today, I share my extensive video game expertise with Guided. I benefit from over 40 years of experience with PC and console games, as well as my work in game development for the indie studio Knights of Bytes. I understand how video games work, and I also know how to convey my knowledge in an understandable manner.
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