Dreamlight Valley: Solve The Pumpkin King Returns [Quest Guide]

Published: Dec. 07, 2023
Updated: Dec. 07, 2023

German English

Our editor Alex has been playing Disney Dreamlight Valley since the beginning of Early Access. Here, he explains how to solve the quest "The Pumpkin King Returns."

In this guide, you will learn:

  • Whether Jack Skellington's quests require the purchase of the "A Rift in Time" DLC.
  • What you need to do to complete Jack's quest "The Pumpkin King Returns."

Jack Skellington is Included in the Vanilla Version

To unlock Jack Skellington in Disney Dreamlight Valley, the purchase of the newly released DLC "A Rift in Time" is not necessary. The famous Pumpkin King graces the Disney Valley normally as part of the base game. If you are still interested in the expansion, you can get it for $30 on Steam.

For many more guides on Disney Dreamlight Valley, check out our comprehensive guide overview.

This guide refers to Jack's first quest "The Pumpkin King Returns"; that means you must have unlocked the spindly protagonist from Tim Burton's "The Nightmare Before Christmas" beforehand. How to do this can be read in this guide.

Quest Guide: The Pumpkin King Returns

"The Pumpkin King Returns" is Jack Skellington's Level-2 Friendship Quest in Disney Dreamlight Valley. At this point in Jack's story, the skeletal inquisitor – unintentionally – has gotten on the nerves of the valley's residents with his insatiable curiosity.

Now you are to help Jack improve the negative result of his great thirst for knowledge. Additionally, your task is to find a true friend for the fallen-from-grace skeleton. To achieve this, you must master a total of four individual sub-tasks, each presenting you with different challenges.

Task 1: Make Olaf a new Chocolate Ice Cream

To begin Jack Skellington's quest for friendship, first talk to Olaf (the humorous snowman from "Frozen"). Unfortunately, he is also angry with Jack because the Pumpkin King ruined the chocolate ice cream he made for Anna. So, what could possibly come next? Exactly: Your job is, of course, to make a new chocolate ice cream for Olaf. To do this, prepare the following ingredients at a cooking station:

  • Sugarcane: Can be obtained from Sugarcane Seeds or purchased at Goofy's Stall.
  • Cocoa Bean: Harvested from the trees in the Sunlit Plateau.
  • Milk: Easily purchased from Chez Remy.
  • Slush Ice: Also available from Chez Remy (after completing his quest "The Unknown Flavor").

Afterward, give Olaf the ice cream. Although he doesn't necessarily embrace Jack immediately, the snowman is at least considering making friends with the Pumpkin King.

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At the cooking station, prepare Olaf a new ice cream. (Disney Dreamlight Valley, Image: IGN)

Task 2: Replace Ursula's Ruined Potions

Next, Jack Skellington wants to befriend someone as frightening as he is. Any guesses on who that might be? In any case, it's Ursula. Jack upset her by mixing and ruining her valuable potions. To fix this, go to Ursula and have her list a series of ingredients you need to gather for her. These are:

  • Red Nasturtium x3: To be picked in the Forgotten Lands.
  • White Passion Lily x3: Can be obtained in the Frosted Heights.
  • Amethyst x2: Also available in the Frosted Heights by mining.
  • Gooseberry x12: Found in the bushes of the Frosted Heights or the Forgotten Lands.

Once done, hand over the ingredients to Ursula. She then suggests that the Fairy Godmother might be a suitable friend for Jack. The reason: Both share an interest in pumpkins.

Task 3: Jack Skellington Friends the Fairy Godmother

Jack is quite taken with Ursula's suggestion and immediately goes to the Fairy Godmother. Follow him to eavesdrop on the conversation. Contrary to expectations, the conversation goes entirely smoothly because the two characters share an interest in pumpkins.

The Fairy Godmother's suggestion that Jack could remind the valley residents of his role as the Pumpkin King eventually leads to the next task.

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Jack and the Fairy Godmother get along splendidly! (Disney Dreamlight Valley, Image: IGN)

Task 4: Build Jack Skellington a Throne

Now Jack wants to remind all of Dreamlight Valley that he is the one and only Pumpkin King. And how can he communicate that to his fellow residents? Oh yes: Just build Jack a throne. For this, you need the following resources:

  • Dark Wood x10: Found near the trees of the Forgotten Lands.
  • Pumpkin x31: Pumpkins can naturally be planted from seeds, but you can also get them at Goofy's Stall.

The throne can be crafted at any workbench in the valley – and the throne can be placed in any area. However, the task is not quite done yet because you still need to take a photo that includes yourself, Jack Skellington, and his throne. And that's it: You have successfully completed the quest "The Return of the Pumpkin King."

Disney Dreamlight Valley has been available since December 5th for PC (Steam), macOS, PlayStation 5/4, Xbox Series X/S/One, and Nintendo Switch. The full version is priced at 40 dollars on all platforms, with the DLC "A Rift in Time" costing an additional 30 dollars.


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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
After graduating from high school, I initially wanted to study instrumental music. However, eventually I pursued a career as a video game journalist, which I started at the prestigious Ehapa-Verlag publisher, among others. Today, I share my extensive video game expertise with Guided. I benefit from over 40 years of experience with PC and console games, as well as my work in game development for the indie studio Knights of Bytes. I understand how video games work, and I also know how to convey my knowledge in an understandable manner.
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